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The thought of caring for loved ones often evokes feelings of warmth and affection. In this article we will look at how you can support the psychological health of your loved ones and yourself with love and care.1. Understanding and Empathy: The most important part of caring for loved ones begins with understanding their feelings and experiences. Try to spend time talking with them. Ask how they are doing and listen without distraction. This will make them feel like they are important to you. Exercise. Ask your loved one to talk about their day, and just listen without advice or comments.2. Be there when you are needed. Difficult times can come in the lives of each of us. Be there for your loved ones when they need your support. This could be as simple as physical presence, a hug, or even just sitting quietly next to you. Exercise. Spend the evening without your smartphone and devote it entirely to your loved one.3. Be a resource. Self-care is the key to being the best we can be for our loved ones. Take care of your mental health, engage in hobbies and meditation to strengthen your emotional reserves.Exercise. Write down a self-care plan and strive to implement it.4. Celebrate small holidays together. Happiness can be found in small joys. Celebrate small victories and unique moments with your loved ones. This will help create a positive atmosphere in the relationship. Exercise. Prepare a surprise for someone close to you, even if there is no special occasion.5. Allowance for negative emotions. In addition to joy, it is important to allow loved ones to express their negative emotions. Don't try to ignore or resolve them. Help them become aware of their feelings and find ways to cope with them. Exercise. Put yourself in your loved one's shoes and try to understand why he or she feels this way. If this is not completely successful, just believe that these emotions have the right to be, even if you feel differently.6. Create Memorable Moments: Making memories together helps strengthen bonds. Traveling, shared hobbies, and family traditions can be great ways to spend time together. Exercise. Plan a special day with your loved ones to create unforgettable moments.7. Talk about your feelings. Open up to your loved ones about your own emotions and experiences. This creates an environment of trust and allows you to mutually support each other. Exercise "Treasure". Choose the right moment. Choose a quiet time and place when you can give this exercise the attention it needs. Share. Sit face to face with your loved one and ask them to talk about their feelings, experiences and hopes. Try to be attentive and not interrupt. Open your heart. After your loved one shares, express your feelings and thoughts back. Use words to describe how you feel about him and what moments you treasure with him. Give a treasure. After this exchange of words, invite your loved one to start a “treasure chest” - a box or box in which you will store memorable trinkets, cards with kind words, photographs and anything that will remind you of pleasant moments spent together. Promise each other that you will treasure these treasures and discover them in moments of doubt or sadness. Caring for your loved ones and yourself is an ongoing process. It takes time, effort and emotional investment. But nothing can compare to the deep and strong bonds that can be created when we care for our loved ones with love and warmth..
