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In the previous post, I mentioned auto-aggression and today I would like to tell you what it is and what to do with it. Auto-aggression is behavior in which a person causes harm to himself. This can be physical harm, such as cutting, hitting, or bruising, as well as psychological harm, such as self-deprecation, negative thinking, or self-criticism. In other words, self-aggression can be a way of coping with emotional pain or tension, expressing internal discomfort, or seeking control over one's feelings. condition. For example, cutting or hitting yourself can temporarily relieve mental pain or feelings of helplessness. I think everyone has experienced self-aggression at least once: for example, when they criticized themselves for something or constantly repeated the same negative thought (rumination). The causes of auto-aggression can be varied: 1. Emotional problems: A person may hurt or harm themselves in response to depression, anxiety, stress, or other emotional problems.2. Self-Belief: Sometimes people may self-harm because they feel unworthy, guilty, or self-loathing.3. Seeking control: For some people, self-injury can be a way to feel in control of their emotions or situation.4. Impact on others: sometimes people can harm themselves in order to provoke a reaction from other people, to attract attention or get support. I’ll tell you a secret, I quite often experience self-aggression, but not mental, but physical - I very often cause myself unintentional harm ( I burn myself, cut myself, hit myself), thus punishing myself for something for which I feel subconsciously guilty. But I'm working on it! Some ways to cope with self-aggression: 1. Learn to manage emotions: developing emotional regulation skills can help prevent the occurrence of self-aggressive behaviors.2. Changing your thinking: working with negative attitudes and thoughts will help change negative thinking patterns that can lead to self-aggression.3. Finding a Replacement: Learn to find healthy ways to express emotions and relieve tension, such as playing sports, creative hobbies, or hanging out with friends.4. Support and understanding: it is important to have the support of people around you and to know that you are not alone in your problems. But if you understand that you cannot cope with auto-aggression on your own, then I ask you to seek help from a psychologist to find the reason for the aggression towards yourself. My name is Ksenia Korneva - I am a practicing psychologist in the CBT and ACT approach, but I also specialize in various techniques and methods to help you manage your emotions and overcome life's difficulties. Sign up for a consultation in telegram - feoksi_psy
