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Neurography, a method that is quite young and at the same time actively gaining momentum. Its essence lies in the fact that a person drawing a neurographic picture changes his thinking and moves from old patterns of behavior to new ones. Thus, changes occur within a person’s personality, and as a result, the environment changes. In this regard, participants in master classes often have a question: “How many times do you need to draw a picture using the neurography method for it to work?” Agree, this is a rhetorical question... I just want to answer: “As much as you need!” And by the way, a counter question - for whom should it (the drawing) work and why? While practicing neurography in working with clients, I noticed that people are divided into three categories: Some want to draw and not think about anything, relax, meditate , preferably with pleasant music. This is drawing, why bother. Others want to draw one drawing, well, at most two, and swear that the drawings don’t work, a miracle didn’t happen. Still others want and are ready to draw around the clock if only it’s the way they want. Where is that golden mean? Why does neurography sometimes work and sometimes not work? My dears! Beloved! You work yourself, alas and ah. If you don’t work, then the result is appropriate. Any method or psychological tool works in the hands of the person who takes it. If you pick up a marker and decide to change the situation in your life with the help of Neurography, then at a minimum you need to follow certain principles. Draw regularly. It is advisable to do this accompanied by a neurography specialist who will promptly ask the necessary questions for reflection and remove control over the drawing process. Follow the drawing algorithm. The quality of a neurographic drawing is that you need to draw a picture sequentially from point to point, observing important rules that are necessary to be safe and avoid additional psychological stress. Draw conclusions and observe your reflection during and after drawing. In the course of any psychological work, reactions occur at the level of emotions and thoughts. The speed of your personal changes will depend on how you “catch” these reactions, record, analyze and move in the desired direction. In neurography there is such a concept as a “case”, in this case a person draws several pictures on one given topic, but using different algorithms. The number of drawings is determined by the quality of the results that occur for some time after drawing. Returning to the question: “How many times do you need to draw a drawing using the neurographic method for it to work?” It becomes obvious that by following the described recommendations, changes in your life will not take long to happen. Sincerely, Anastasia Dyadchuk. Visit an interesting neuro master class according to the schedule. Or join my telegram channel Psychology on weekdays and weekends with Anastasia Dyadchuk
