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From the author: My favorite phrase in the film: “The best recipes are the ones you create yourself.” Description of the film: Kate is a successful chef, it is important for her to be the best. However, perfectionism, straightforwardness and Kate's uncompromisingness leads to conflicts with visitors. The owner of the restaurant threatened Kate with dismissal if she did not turn to a psychotherapist. Kate does not understand why she needs psychotherapy, working with a psychoanalyst. She believes that she is a successful cook, that everything in her life is Kate. does not realize that in other areas of her life she is a “Loser” (her inner world, personal life, relationships with friends, in society, etc.) Kate’s sister suddenly dies in an accident, and she again has to live through the loss of a loved one (Kate’s teenage years). mother died). She takes responsibility for her niece Zoya. While Kate tries to establish contact with Zoya; pamper her with her delicious dishes and feed her “healthy” food. The cheerful Nick Palmer, singing Italian arias, is hired as Kate’s assistant. Kate thinks Nick is crazy. She does not intend to accept him in “her kitchen.” The work of a psychoanalyst in the film is professionally shown. Therapy doesn't go smoothly for Kate. Resistance can be traced throughout the film. Psychoanalyst: “Why are you coming to me?” Kate: “They threatened to fire me.” Psychoanalyst: “Why?” Kate: “I can’t imagine.” Psychoanalyst: “I’m sure you will be able to prevent the worst... You won’t let him tolerate you for long.” Kate: “This is a new method of treatment - humiliation of the client.” Psychoanalyst: “Only the best doctors resort to it.” I want to say that you know how enroll. The best recipes are those that you create yourself. From the point of view of transactional analysis: Kate's childhood trauma - the death of her mother, an immature father leads to Kate isolating her inner child (blocking the “Natural, spontaneous” child). After her mother's death, Kate took on her role - raising her younger sister and doing housework. Kate lives by her parents' attitudes, her own rules and prohibitions, and irrational beliefs. She finds it difficult to accept criticism and objections. Nick is the complete opposite of Kate; he has developed the qualities of a Child. He is full of joy, lives by feelings, gets pleasure and pleasure from music, for him the process of cooking is creativity. Thanks to psychotherapy, Kate abandons old stereotypes. It’s interesting to watch how Kate transforms, how the Child’s feelings overcome the Parent’s attitudes. “You should also know that I never do...” says Kate when she comes home to Nick. The film can be interesting and useful for both adults and children. I watched it with pleasure several times. This film was also used for film therapy. Questions for film therapy: Your mood after watching the film. Memorable moments and emotions that you experienced while watching. What did you see in this film for yourself? What questions did the film pose to you? Why did you watch this film? Which of the characters did you not like? Why? Feelings, behavior. Which of the characters did you like? Why? Feelings, behavior. Positive qualities of this hero, his personal resources. I will be glad to see your feedback about the film) Thank you for your attention!
