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From the author: published on the website: your-psy.kz You often hear “.. I want to be more confident in myself...”, “... my uncertainty...", "...if it weren't for my uncertainty...", "how to become a confident person?..." So, what does it mean to be confident? In the explanatory dictionary Confident means habitual in his movements, firm, unwavering, undoubting...., on our own behalf, we would also add successful, decisive, reliable, free and easy to communicate, a person worthy of respect, with a firm gait, clear eyes, without complexes, capable cope with various kinds of difficulties, including psychological problems. And I think this list can go on and on. And in fact, when we say a confident person, we mean everything at once, starting with a person’s merits and achievements and ending with his appearance. Everything about such a person is hormonal. Doubts, fear, boredom, anger and envy, distrust of yourself and the whole world, underestimation of your own strengths and qualities - all this prevents you from gaining self-confidence and allowing yourself to live in harmony with yourself, others and the world. The ability to listen and hear your inner voice, your body, trust yourself, accept yourself. The ability to objectively evaluate oneself, one's strengths and achievements are all components of self-confidence. Many people are mistaken in believing that they have no confidence and that makes them unhappy. This is not true, but such a persistent belief can ultimately lead to serious psychological problems. Just think about it, many of the daily tasks we perform require a lot of self-confidence. It is necessary to pay attention to such moments and you can cultivate faith in yourself! Finally, a few tips on how to strengthen your confidence: 1. Remember, there are no perfect people, and you are no exception, so allow yourself to make mistakes. Take it easy. Any mistake is an experience that allows you to improve!2. Being confident does not mean being cocky, aggressive, or abusive towards others. 3. Use self-hypnosis. 4. Notice your successes and achievements, even small ones. Praise yourself for them! 5. Do not concentrate on what and how others will think or say about you. Start now to believe in yourself a little more, appreciate and love yourself and everything will work out for you! Good luck to you!
