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From personal correspondence - I’m rewriting it here. Many people believe (even the rebel Sigmund Freud thought in a similar spirit) that guilt is something very correct and necessary, although extremely unpleasant. “Inner Morality”, “Sister of Conscience Inside Us” and so on. A moment that is not only avoided - in general, almost no one plunges into such “depths”. It would be worth it. Because - most often, of course - guilt is part of the “children's set”: they didn’t like them, they’re still ashamed, they bullied them at school, etc. That is, this whole package of infantile excuses for the uncomfortable activity of working on oneself. But that’s not even what we’re talking about. And the fact that the usual, “typical” feeling of guilt is based on one strong belief in “I shouldn’t have done that, it’s terrible, I’m a creature,” and so on. But why is it so unpleasant? Because - a little bit, “on the floor lower”, sits the notorious belief “I must be perfect - I am the Lord God, the main controller, decider, saver, helper, etc.” And when this belief “breaks off” against reality - the famous “cognitive dissonance” occurs: I could not be correct, I am imperfect - this cannot be! Yes, the Guilt Complex is the Child of Egocentrism, and not the “sister of conscience”. "URURU PROPAGANDA OF IMORALITY." And they will rightly say - to hell with such morality, which is based on the worldview of a 4-year-old toddler :) Who, by and large, does not understand anything except himself and his interests and fantasies. In reality, everything is something like this: - People very dramatically overestimate their own " power" - awareness, abilities, area and degree of control and influence on surrounding events (and on your life, and on your anything). You know, it happens - a child put on a green T-shirt with a squirrel in March-April, and he is sure THAT HE CALLED SPRING :) I also wrote about magiphrenia recently - when something similar persists in adults. - IN ANY SITUATION - there are many factors; among which the individual will is only one of the equals, and not the “Supreme”. Yes, it’s extremely unpleasant for the “gods” inside us to listen to this, but they find a lot of things unpleasant in life :) - This “multifactorial”, non-linear approach allows you to take responsibility more soberly and maturely, and finally begin to take it; Most people who have “problems with responsibility” have problems not with responsibility, but with its understanding. As I wrote in the post about “5 Blocks”, the first thing you need to do is distinguish between Guilt and Responsibility. The second is to realize that guilt does not change anything. Just like “criticism” (depreciation and spread of rot) in general. Well, that's zero. No matter how much you torment yourself, it will only cause you stress. That is, guilt is a sick emotion, an atavism, a rudiment, whatever else. A “mature personality” (another mythical ideal - but at least useful) has NO feelings of guilt. What does she have: A) Healthy regret - first of all, that I am not the Lord God, it’s sad, but it’s reality :) I can’t control everything (and then various useful insights come from there). B) Areas of Responsibility. There are, in general, three of them: - Natural (Inevitable) Responsibility. These are the consequences that will “get” you, whether you like it or not; laws of nature, society, etc. - Adequate (Free) Responsibility. This is a responsibility that you, by and large, should not take upon yourself - just like no one knows anything in general :) However, if you are interested in proactively changing the situation, then you take it, and don’t whine “why yayyyyy ?!" :(((- Neurotic (Sick) Hyperresponsibility. This is an already broken locus of control - which has “fell out and sticks out” beyond the personal boundaries of influence. Taking responsibility for something for which you are not only “not to blame” - but in general for something over than you have no power and no opportunity. Another derivative of the “Position of God” - well, if not me, then who will control it?! Hmm, for now, maybe I’ll expand these thoughts into something more advanced..
