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The human body and psyche are inextricably linked. Everyone knows that in a moment of fright the pulse quickens, in a moment of anger the fists clench; we cry when we are scared or upset, we frown when we are in pain. Our state of mind is always reflected in the body. However, the “body-psyche” feedback works just as flawlessly. A simple example - hold a smile on your face for a while - regardless of your current mood, your mental state will change, and you will begin to experience positive emotions. This is how the psyche reacts to physical changes in the body. Until a certain age, we freely and spontaneously use the body to express emotions. Whether a child is angry, happy or offended is easy to understand by looking at him. However, in addition to the skills of reading, addition and writing, the child urgently needs the science of dealing with his emotions and experiences, and neither his parents nor society offers him this knowledge. Growing up is accompanied by the imposition of many prohibitions. On the openness of feelings, on the experience of grief, on the expression of “negative” emotions. In fact, there are no “bad” emotions and “good” emotions - this is a subject of assessment. Society strives to lead a person to evaluate emotions, inclining him to generally accepted norms of behavior - this is a necessary stage of education. Remember: “Men don’t cry,” “girls don’t fight,” “good boys (girls) don’t behave like that.” Many people heard similar phrases in childhood. As a result, we receive not only a ban on expressing feelings, but also on experiencing them. A boy understands from childhood that crying is not like a man. As an adult and experiencing stress, a man suppresses the “wrong” emotion. An unspoken ban on tears interferes with the adaptive response to stress - and takes tension deeper into the body. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another. This is probably why cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death for men “in the prime of life” - the heart takes on the stress of restrained emotions. This unhealthy statistic is supported by the fact that a typical man perceives a visit to a psychologist as a sign of weakness and cowardice. The situation with raising girls is similar. Adults say categorically: “Girls don’t fight!” That is, kicking a teddy bear is behavior not worthy of a “true lady.” The prohibition on aggression easily sinks into the subconscious and becomes stronger in it over the years. A woman starts a family, has children, believing that aggression towards loved ones is unacceptable. She no longer remembers why it is unacceptable to feel anger, but she is sure that it is “bad.” Our culture as a whole has the myth that you can’t be angry with a loved one. Consulting psychologists often hear from clients: “Of course, I’m not angry with him! I love him!” Anger is a natural feeling and does not interfere with love. Painted wallpaper or an untidy table can make you angry. But they are unable to make you stop loving. Meanwhile, suppressed aggression is a powerful toxin for the psyche. It provokes inflammatory processes inside the body. Most often, it is suppressed anger that leads to ulcers, gastritis and irritation of the mucous membranes. A “well-mannered girl” with a stomach ulcer is a typical example from psychological practice. The emergence of feelings is beyond the control of a person’s will. You cannot force yourself “not to be jealous”, “not to be afraid” or “not to be happy” by an effort of will. That is why a person often experiences fear in front of strong emotions, and tries to subjugate them, devalue them, or “drive” them into a far corner. For the time being, the unconscious contains squeezed out emotions and forbidden feelings, like a stuffed closet. Traumatic and painful experiences are forgotten, but continue to live inside the person. Like invisible poison, they circulate inside the body, slowly destroying it. The triggered mechanism of suppressing negative emotions causes a number of problems in the body, called.
