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From the author: But people do not believe that addiction develops from the first dose of the drug. The only way to prevent addiction is abstinence. Have you ever heard of this method of catching monkeys? Catchers use the innate curiosity of primates and the ability to imitate. A man, in full view of the monkey, pretends to drink beer from a bottle, then leaves it and walks away. A monkey imitates a human out of curiosity, gets drunk and falls asleep. Then they take it, lukewarm....Does a monkey need beer...? How do they recruit drug addicts? For the first dose - out of curiosity, or weakly.... But people do not believe that addiction develops from the first dose of the drug, considering this to be the machinations of propaganda, they say they want to intimidate. But what will happen - then, at one time? - Alex... - “... this reminds me of the situation with marijuana - if you smoke, you will definitely become a drug addict, you will go to steal things from the house, then rob grandmothers for a dose, socially decay and your life won’t be worth even a broken penny =).” — Bohr... — “...firstly, don’t be stupid, and secondly, there’s no need for demagoguery here. Marivanna (marijuana) has nothing to do with it at all....” - from correspondence with young people about the “dangers” of holotrope.... And it’s all about the “dating” principle. When you are strangers, you don’t even care about seven billion people, but once you get to know one, or a group, you are already connected forever, even with “virtual” friends from social media. networks. The connection is stored in memory, recorded in genes - according to the Law of Conservation of Information, facilitating subsequent meetings and modeling our expectations.... This is how we learn. The connection weakens if meetings stop, and pops up again - with a “accidental” meeting with the “old” acquaintances.” So - the “first acquaintance” from the first puff, the first euphoria from alcohol or a dose of a drug (even a light one) - contributes to the next repetitions. Repetitions, against the background of self-confidence - others cannot do this (I can control the drug... .), lead to the development of a conditioned reflex (like Pavlov’s dog). This is how a painful addiction arises. Until a person tries a “drug”, he doesn’t even care about it.... I tried it once and that’s it! There is no turning back - “you are together forever...!” The trouble is that the “first acquaintance” could have taken place with our ancestors, and information about it is firmly recorded in the genes.... All people “drink”, but not all become alcoholics. Thus, our personal “first acquaintance” may be a renewal of an “old acquaintance”, which immediately leads to addiction.... We can only rely on good, ancient wisdom - about the benefits of Abstinence (moderation in food, drink, sensual pleasures). Tell us to a child - HOW TO CATCH A MONKEY... And then ask: - DOES A MONKEY NEED BEER...? PS Unlike a chemically altered consciousness, with the emergence of addiction, in Holotrope the change is achieved naturally, with the help of the familiar air. Holotropic breathing in TverP.PS https://www.b17.ru/register.php?prt=98234
