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Everything around is in bloom. Fragrant white and pink clouds are everywhere. Cherries, plums, apricots... It's time to bloom. And our, human time is to admire and admire. I walk towards the house, past the flowering front garden. I suddenly turn around at a child’s enthusiastic exclamation. - “Grandfather! Look!!! ROSE!!! “A little girl of 5-6 years old squeezes her grandfather’s hand, frozen in delight. In front of them is a rather large tree, buried in a lace of fragrant flowers. The plum is blooming! Some kind of string instantly rings and trembles within me... The baby looks admiringly at the ROSE... Grandfather, gently squeezing his palm, bends down slightly. - “Yes! How beautiful! It’s simply magical! And how it smells! Each flower is fragrant! Very beautiful! How great that you noticed this miracle and showed it to me!” I exhale... The baby cuddles up to her grandfather, they look a little more at the blooming beauty together. - “You know, this is a whole tree! This is a Plum! The rose is small and the plum is big, and it blooms so beautifully!” The little girl nods interestedly. This couple leaves, continuing the conversation about flowers and trees, about the delicious plums that will appear from each flower... And I stay. Enjoying the aroma of plum blossoms, I think, what happiness! How great it is that there are adults next to whom you, little one, can freely rejoice and admire Roses, even if they are Plums... I remembered a moment from a personal story. When I was 5, my older sister went to college. To another city. And the whole family went to visit her. I have never been to another city. The journey seemed like a magical adventure to me. And when we entered the center, I saw the Station tower. Beautiful, with a watch. Just delight! I, freezing with joy and a sense of miracle, said: “Moscow! The Kremlin!”...How they laughed. And relatives. And the driver... Without evil. It was just funny to them. And my childish, sincere joy died under the fog of a vague feeling of “otherness,” “wrongness.” Since then, it has been very difficult for me to publicly share something of my own. Especially with joy. Until I grew up completely and allowed myself everything that brings joy, no matter for whom or what it is called. The main thing is what you feel. This name was given so that people could understand each other in words. But if the word is wrong, listen to your feelings! This is a big and important test for you and your children. Wonderful Roses to you! Everywhere! Constellations, psychological consultations, constellation diagnostics, post-constellation support - by appointment on WhatsApp, Telegram +79047708675 All about me HERE>>>>.
