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There is practically no person who does not experience regrets. Some regret what they have done, others regret that they did not dare to take any action. Both people have one thing in common, thoughts about “if I had decided”, “if I had acted differently”. Thinking about possible situations, designing a different future deprives us of the energy to live in the present, we begin to feel regret in everything, because it could have been better .I invite you today to look at regrets from a different perspective. Instead of focusing your attention on the negative consequences of previously made decisions, look at your present, what can be changed in it for a more comfortable life? A person is constantly faced with a choice: fish or meat, red or blue, one life path or another. The consequences of a choice are also different, it’s one thing to choose a dish in a restaurant, it’s another to get confused about the correct choice, make a mistake and go astray. This is scary, and despite carefully thinking through the options, these mistakes are still made. It’s different for everyone, some often, some rarely. Everyone experiences regret about mistakes. But you shouldn’t be afraid of regrets and mistakes. After all, mistakes themselves help you understand and see life patterns that are not working, and regrets become a marker that something is wrong, that it’s time to admit the mistake and try something different. Even this experience, which has become negative, ultimately helps to improve, grow, and move on. Now you see this mistake from the height of your experience, you look at the situation with a different, wise look. Did you know all the circumstances when you made this or that decision, did you have the current experience to ultimately do the “right thing”? Look at regret more constructively, try to admit your mistake, and then look forward and think about what you can do to correct or level it out. So, now the technique: It doesn’t matter whether you are sitting or lying down, relax. Take several breathing cycles without thinking about your breathing, just inhale and exhale at a comfortable pace. Now take a breath and think about whether you can return it and exhale somehow differently? The time for this exhalation has passed, so does it make sense to spend minutes or seconds thinking: how could you exhale differently? It may be better to continue your relaxed breathing and this very second breathe in the most comfortable way for yourself, and with this breath fill yourself with self-acceptance, vital energy, and then exhale all your regrets about the past, self-criticism for mistakes. Now continue to breathe at a pace that is comfortable for you. I will be glad if this technique suits you. With respect to you, Evgenia Rumyantseva, practical psychologist https://rumiantseva.taplink.ws/Illustration: Claude Monet, taken from the public domain.* Each case is unique, this article does not replace individual work with a specialist.© Evgenia Valerievna Rumyantseva, 2022
