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If you do one important thing today, you can significantly improve your financial condition. And, most importantly, get more joy in life. What is this thing? Remember your childhood dream. This may not be a global dream, but a small desire. For example, you wanted to get a toy. Or go somewhere. Or do something “hooligan”. Let's say, suck icicles all day, and so that your mother doesn't scold you. By the way, I remember that as a child I was forbidden to eat icicles. And I was obedient. And then one day my sister, who was a couple of years older, came to see me. She told me a “terrible secret”: you can’t eat the icicles that grow on rusty iron roofs. They are from dirty water. But it’s not icicles that grow on wooden roofs – but pure honey! This is a very, very useful thing! Even Grandfather Lenin probably sucked these icicles, and then bequeathed them to all Octobrists to suck. In a word, out of great joy, we gnawed all the roofs of the barns in the area. We ate these icicles like we were hired. I felt complete impunity and was absolutely happy. Then from time to time I gnawed on icicles, but without fanaticism. What happened: I removed the affect of not being able to get the forbidden fruit. My tension went away, I emotionally cooled down to the icicles. So here it is. Remember your personal “icicles” that you were not allowed to chew as a child. And today buy yourself these icicles and gobble them up! If you wanted “some nonsense,” buy yourself today what you consider “nonsense.” If you wanted to jump from a roof, jump from somewhere. At least from a stool. If you wanted to wash the floor by spilling a bucket and wielding a mop like a cabin boy on a ship, then arrange this quest for yourself in a bathroom where there is waterproofing. I washed the floor like this when I was a child, I was three years old. I flooded my neighbors. But, as they say, “took my soul away.” It seemed to me that my mother was washing the floor incorrectly. In a word. If today you do that stupid thing that your parents did not allow you to do as a child, then you will have money and happiness. I have everything)) Live with it now. Oh yes! Those who send photos of their madness in the comments will receive a special kiss on the top of the head from the Universe. Who will be our first lucky winner? Christmas time is coming now! Have you forgotten? Irina Nikolaevna PaninaDoctor of psychology, hypnologist, tarot readerTogether you will find the path to your hidden capabilities!
