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From the author: UNSELFlessness. It is so lofty, humane, a sign of generosity and the highest development of personality. Yes? Do you agree? Of course, to some extent this is true. Today I have chosen such an amazing human quality or property of human relationships as UNLESSLY as the topic for discussion in the “Gratitude” section. It is so lofty, humane, a sign of generosity and the highest development of personality. Yes? Do you agree? Of course, to some extent this is true. “What? I mean, to some extent? What is not completely?” - you might ask me. “Well, of course, in that world there is no absoluteness,” I will answer you confidently. If you think about the meaning of the word UNSELF, then it can easily be divided into two parts WITHOUT+SELF, that is, without benefit, without return, without payment. Is it so? It seems to me that both yes and no. And if the answer “yes” is in our conscious part, then the answer “no” lies a little deeper, and having realized and accepted it, it is quite possible to get to know yourself from a new side. Even if we commit an act of SELFlessness, this does not mean that we do not expect anything in return. Most likely, we expect a return, but most likely it is delayed in time, it can be received in other respects, in another “equivalent”. Often this equivalent is expressed, at a minimum, in the kind human attitude of other people towards us, and us to themselves. Think about it.....And while you are thinking, I will traditionally tell the story of the picture for this article. You know that I only use photographs taken by me or taken for me by friends). An amazing thing happened in our family this summer. Early in the morning my son went for a walk with the dog. But they returned not together, but in three. The son was holding a poplar branch in his hands, on which sat a barely alive, but very beautiful bird the size of a sparrow. She sat obediently, without making a sound, tightly clutching the branch with her paws. I learned from my son that the dog showed a strange interest in the thickets of grass under the apple tree in the yard, and it turned out that there was a frightened bird sitting there, which quite calmly grabbed a branch and “rode” on it to the 5th floor of the Stalinist building to our apartment. Of course, we decided to unselfishly shelter such beauty and give the bird the opportunity to come to its senses. What happened next is not difficult to guess. A dilemma arose: should I keep the bird? We studied the entire Internet, I posted a photo of the bird on Facebook, it was important to understand what kind of miracle this red sparrow is. One of my friends recognized that this was a male lentil bird, which lives in Southeast Asia, but it turned out to be with us because these birds are migratory and settle in the mountain Sayan Mountains in the taiga for the summer. The only strange thing was that the bird ended up in a metropolis... Probably, the night was cold, and it could not cope with its route... All day, while the bird lived on the balcony, we decided the question: should we leave it or not? It turned out that these birds easily take root in a cage, sing beautifully (and we soon became convinced of this), eat simple food and are quite tame. The temptation was great. We even found an inexpensive cage for a new friend at an auction... However, we could not make a final decision. All this time we selflessly (at this point I smile slyly) took care of the poor thing. And he had already warmed up on our bright and warm balcony, spread his wings, whistled, and even began to hiss at me like a wild cat when I tried to put him on my hand, although before that he had climbed onto my finger himself. Apparently, our unselfishness and care ceased to please the bird. We decided to consult a veterinarian from the nearest pet store. Seeing the bird in the photo, the girl opened her eyes wide in surprise, and we realized that we were lucky to meet a rare miracle. However, the specialist’s verdict was unequivocal: “You may not be able to cope.” The decision was taken. Although the desire to have a rare pet at home, which, it would seem, literally fell from the sky... and at that moment did not recede. We returned home, fed the handsome man, opened the balcony window and said goodbye, “Thank you for.
