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A fairy tale based on the Russian folk tale "Tereshechka" for a girl on the issue. Bus Morning. A young beautiful girl Anya, a graduate student at a prestigious university, is getting ready for classes in a hurry. - Oh, yesterday I was so hot in winter clothes, because today they promise warm, spring-like weather and sunshine, so I’ll put on a coat! Yeah, my favorite handbag goes with it, where did I find it? Anya hastily transfers things from one handbag to another, tints her lips bright red, throws on a coffee-colored coat, puts a bright green cap on her shock of curly red hair, wraps an equally bright green scarf, puts on her shoes, grabs her favorite red handbag on the go and, After looking in the mirror one more time, he goes to the bus stop with a smile. Red lipstick suits Anya very well, she knows it. She also knows how beautifully the green color in clothes resonates with her green eyes. She is damn attractive - and she also knows this, feels it with her whole being. Today Anya was lucky, she didn’t have to wait at all, not even a minute, the bus pulled up like a carriage brought to her exit. She entered the crowded salon, the young man, seeing her, immediately gave up his seat and she gave him a charming smile. Anya thought: “Today is definitely my day, in the morning without the sun, it’s still cool, and I didn’t have to freeze at the bus stop waiting for transport. And now, everyone is jostling, and I’m sitting comfortably. How great!” She thought about what Today she starts a new course “History of Art”, she has never given these lectures to students, so she prepared more carefully than usual. But soon she stopped, Anya put her hand in her favorite red handbag to prepare the money for it. passage, but didn’t find the wallet in the usual place. She started rummaging in her purse here, there, again here, again there, but she didn’t find the wallet, - Anya thought, either they stole it, or in a hurry she didn’t transfer it from another purse. there was no money in it, no documents or cards, everything was fine. But how could she pay for the fare? Her stop was rapidly approaching, she started looking for change in all her pockets and, fortunately, found two treasured coins in her coat pocket. And just in time, because. it was time to go out. Getting off the bus, Anya smiled: “Well, I’m telling you, it’s my day, I even found coins, it’s good that I put on my coat!” But then she stopped abruptly, because it was just a transfer; she had to take another bus further to the university. She hurried to the stop, desperately thinking, what should she do? Anya looked carefully at her feet and thought: “I often see coins that have been stolen by someone, maybe today I’ll be lucky again?” But there were no desired coins, only snow mixed with puddles, pebbles, twigs, cigarette butts... Anya approached the stop. I looked at passers-by for a long time. She felt uncomfortable in her soul from this situation. People hurriedly passed by, talking on the phone, or stood waiting for buses, staring at their gadget monitors. Finally, Anya decided to turn to a woman with a child of about ten years old: “Woman, excuse me, I can’t find my wallet, maybe I forgot, or maybe it was stolen.” Please give me the fare, I will definitely pay you back, even twice as much. The woman looked at her contemptuously: - Look, you're on your way. And do you often hunt here? I found some red lipstick with which to buy it, but you’re asking for travel. We know such people, they stand near the metro and train stations, beggars, they say, they don’t have enough for travel. And they themselves collect a decent amount in a day, deceiving good people. Ugh, I better go to work! Look, go ask others, otherwise you’ve found fools! So, Sashenka, our bus has already arrived. And the woman pulled the thoughtful boy by the hand and, continuing to mutter unflattering things about Anya under her breath, headed to the bus. And Anya was completely confused, as they say, she took water into her mouth, only at the same time she became crimson from shame and surprise. To hear so much rudeness, rudeness and slander... Anya shrank all over, she wanted to hide under the blanket and cry.It seemed like everyone around the gazelle was grinning and mocking her. But something had to be done, because in half an hour her lectures began. She prepared for them for a long time and in general, she will read them and not listen to them, how can she be late! Then Anya decided to ask the girl heading to the bus stop for change. She didn’t hear the woman’s offensive speech. Anya tried to stop the girl when she reached the stop. - Girl, I’m sorry, I lost my wallet, do you have some change for travel? Please, I will return everything to you, even 2 times more. The girl was clearly unhappy and annoyed: “Sorry, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have any change.” - I’ll transfer money to your card right now, please learn. - Girl, sorry, I'm in a hurry. Ask someone else. She said and quickly continued on her way. Anya was completely desperate. “How can this be?!” she thought, “this can’t happen! Surely no one will help me?! And I won’t have time to walk far enough.” And then a bus of the route she needed pulled up to the stop and Anya decided to try her luck again. She ran to the driver and asked: - Hello! I lost my wallet, can you deliver it for free? The driver turned out to be a handsome young man. He smiled widely and said: “Sit down!” Anya quickly jumped on the bus. Everything inside her was rejoicing! And, it seems, not at all because she will be on time for her lecture. All the insults and indifference to her situation seemed to be washed away by that smile of the driver and illuminated, filled her with warmth. She sat and looked at the young man. “Wow,” she thought, “why did he become a bus driver, he probably has no education.” And Anya wanted to help him at all costs. She decided to invite the guy to her lectures, and if he came, to help her enter the university, the entrance exams would begin soon. Anya saw that her stop was approaching, she quickly took out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote the name and address of the university, the date, the audience number and the name of the lecture course, went to the exit and handed the driver the piece of paper. He took it and looked up at her with a puzzled look. Anya tried to say as calmly as possible: “This is my fare.” Come to my lectures. It will be very interesting. You will hardly miss anything, this will only be the second lesson. And grab your passport so that security will let you through. The young man again gave her his radiant smile, stopped the bus, said: “Thank you, I’ll come,” and opened the bus door. “Goodbye, thank you very much,” said Anya. “Goodbye,” the guy answered. A week later, Anya entered the audience with excitement and trepidation. She really wanted the young man to come, but she was also incredibly worried that if he did come, she would need to give a lecture in a way that would inspire him to study. Anya came in, said hello, and looked around the audience. And... Her eyes met the eyes of a young man, who still had the same radiant smile on his face. By the way, his name was Dima. From that day on, he came to lectures every week, and after lectures he accompanied Anya home. They rode on the bus and talked a lot on various topics. Anya admired and was surprised at how erudite he was and kept thinking about how to correctly offer him help in entering the university. One day they were returning home and, passing by the theater for young spectators, they saw their grandmother. She stood with three theater tickets and offered them to passers-by. Dima walked towards her. Anya followed him. - Hello, grandma! - Hello, dear. The performance will start in fifteen minutes, “Tereshechka”, do you want to go? I have three tickets; I wanted to go with my grandfather and grandson, but my grandson fell ill. And no one wants to go, but it’s impossible to return. - Of course, we want to go, grandma! How much do they cost? Yeah, I see. Come on, grandma, we're all three. - Oh, darling, thank you! Where is your baby, who will you go with? - And we, grandma, will go ourselves. Don’t worry, run to your grandson, let him get better soon. - God bless you, good people! Dima turned to Anya: - Well, let's go to.
