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From the author: Treason is not a necessity of family life. This is nonsense! And this can be avoided! Why do people even face betrayal? But because there is a clear definition of a person’s psychological state. Our psyche is three-dimensional. Given that humans have two hemispheres of the brain, we perceive information intuitively (right hemisphere). Intuition is part of the unconscious psyche. It manifests itself as superconsciousness, imaginative thinking, an unconscious connection with the natural principle of nature, a common spirit, shared knowledge, and also as the ability to recognize the situation as a whole without analyzing details, the ability to recognize the quality of the surrounding world without differentiated analysis, through oneself (connection with introversion) . Intuition determines a person’s survival in a spiritual environment, so it can conditionally be called spirit. And logically (left hemisphere). Logic is understood as a conscious mental, practical mind, concrete thinking, the ability to perceive information in addition to the censorship of the superconscious, which allows you to quickly and easily recognize quantitative characteristics and details of the surrounding world, conduct a differentiated analysis of the situation, show sophistication, ingenuity and resourcefulness (connection with extraversion). In addition, logic allows a person to realize intuitively perceived images and describe them in a language understandable to other people. Logic determines a person’s survival in the physical environment, so it can conditionally be called mind, consciousness. Logic, intelligence, practical skills can become psychological automatism and can be partially repressed into the subconscious, and then they become unconscious mental. Based on psychological automatism, a person is able to perceive the details of the surrounding world and carry out a differentiated analysis of the situation at very high speed, almost instantly recognize the sign he needs and take appropriate actions. Therefore, this property is mistakenly attributed to intuition. But our psyche depends on the consistency of oscillatory processes in the hemispheres. That is, if a person’s relationship between the right and left hemispheres is stable, then mental processes are stable, or our psyche is stable. If there is no stable connection between the hemispheres, then our psyche is not stable (impulsive). Let's consider the table of psychological types. I believe that cheating refers to the definition of "lie", "deception" and "jealousy". So now, based on this typology, people who are at the bottom of the “Destable” (impulsive) scheme are capable of this. Being in a state of impulsiveness, people cannot behave differently. Although there is one more “but”, if one of them is in the upper part of the scheme (stability), and the other is in the lower part (impulsivity), and a stable person is not aware of the opposite state second, it puts him in an unbearable psychological situation, in which betrayal will definitely occur, as a form of betrayal. What does it mean in an unbearable psychological situation: mental stability gives a real picture of the perception of the world, and a stable person constantly works creatively (according to Anuashvili) and evolves. And an impulsive state gives an illusory picture of the world. A stable person will definitely try to pull an impulsive person to his level, at the expense of his own strength and without the desire of the opposite side. And in response, an impulsive person living in illusions perceives this as humiliation, an insult, which will lead to envy, lies, and then deception and betrayal in the impulsive person. And one of the ways to unconsciously prove one’s importance to a stable person is by choosing treason. But to answer the question “Is it possible to forgive treason?” - a stable person will immediately understand: either perceive his/her soul mate as he/she is and no longer put him/her in a situation in which it will be “unbearable” for him/her, and help his/her.
