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Which client themes should not be supported? By “support” I mean here: approve, consider it something positive, normalize, and so on. Well, there is no need to say much about topics that are clearly antisocial or asocial in nature: steal something, frame a colleague, cheat in the buyer’s store and similar manifestations. But there are, as I see it, not so obvious topics. I don’t argue that they can be debatable. For example, the desire to have many sexual partners, because, according to the client, this is what he wants, it makes him happy. On the one hand, you might think, why not? But on the other hand, what consequences can this have for a person in the future, for his family, if there is one, what impact will it have on children if they see such manifestations of a parent? In general, why do you want to express yourself this way? What's behind this? And similar questions arise here. Can a person build close relationships? Why is there no satisfaction with one permanent partner? Do you want to constantly conquer someone? What unmet need is behind this? Something from childhood? Or you always want someone else’s partner. You can also approve, or you can think about what this means for the client. I would be glad if he gives examples not only about betrayal to those that should not be normalized! PS Here, apparently, there is a misunderstanding, judging by the comments that have already appeared. This note is about when normalization is appropriate and when it is not. Normalization is conditional, when we say to the client “This is normal. Everything is fine!” etc. In the end, it is not possible to physically disassemble everything and delve into everything while working. Total delving into all the little things can only lead to loss of contact. And to distinguish “little things” from “not little things,” relatively speaking, the note is intended to help. In any case, we have our attitudes, views, opinions. No matter how hard we try, we cannot completely get rid of them. They will always influence us. Some things are normal for us, some are not. I think it’s important to figure it out, to better understand for yourself what is considered normal and what is not, in what cases to consider it so. My contacts can be found hereVladislav Mashin, psychologist.
