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From the author: These exercises have ready-made audio accompaniments, previously posted on my page. You will find them in the "my audio recordings" section. I wish everyone the brightest and kindest fulfillment! Exercise one Hello, friends! I would like to offer you one psychological exercise that will help you relieve accumulated internal fatigue, let go of your pain and be filled with powerful positive energy... This exercise is my personal creative invention, created on the basis of many similar techniques... It requires solitude and relaxation . Let's imagine that you are in an imaginary magical space. There is a forest around, a lot of fresh air, and a pond nearby. Relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a beautiful, wonderful forest. Rest a little... Now go to the pond... This pond is unusual. It is, in fact, not a pond at all, but a reservoir of everything difficult and superfluous, which miraculously dissolves in it, transforming into a useful fog, spreading like a magic cloud far and high into the sky... You can throw all the accumulated negativity into this pond. This will not harm anyone, on the contrary, it will cleanse the general atmosphere: the pond will cope with the negativity, it was created for this purpose, the negativity will be processed and transformed into something useful for the universe... Let's approach this pond, open our heart valve and let the accumulated in you, the negativity accumulated there will completely pour out into an imaginary pond as a flowing liquid... When you do this, it will become unimaginably easy for you... You will get rid of painful heaviness and this is almost a sacred sacrament, with which I congratulate you in advance! Now the heart space needs to be filled with something correct, pure. Consciously fill it out so that there is no temptation for anything unwanted to appear there. Imagine that in this magical place you are in, there are many pure springs. Each one of them is full of joy, blessing, love, happiness. What would you like most for yourself? Select a source. Approach him. Immerse yourself headlong and be filled with the bright energy of the selected content. Tell these crystal waters that now wash over and fill you: “I deserve... I accept it now.” Look at your reflection in the clear, beautiful waters, smile at it, saying: “I love you (name)! I love you very much!” Now imagine that you already have what you want. Make the picture as bright as possible. Feel the full joy of having what you want. So, one by one you can swim in several beautiful springs of different contents and gratefully accept the sacred gifts of these waters, filling yourself with them... And then sit in a magical clearing, look around, treat yourself to the blessed harmony of a magical dimension and tell yourself... - I am safe in the Universe, and life itself, in all its fullness, loves and supports me! - I consign all my negative past to oblivion! I value myself and my magical fullness! I'm fine! I am loved (loved)! - I like my joys! I ask for what I want and receive it with love! - In my own life, I personify strength and power and rely on this strength! I can do a lot, almost everything! - I live in today and accept myself as (as) I am! - I love my life! And life loves me in return too! - I am aware of my strength! Everything is reliable for me at all levels! This is a very powerful exercise. It will give you confidence and ease your sadness. Perhaps your bitterness will dissolve completely and leave you forever. Good luck! Exercise two Let's begin our meditation. Close your eyes, relax and imagine that you are in a wonderful meadow, around you are magical, fragrant herbs, over which dragonflies and butterflies flutter merrily. Enjoy this picture. Smile at her. Look around - there is wonderful beauty everywhere, filled with ringing/
