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Dear reader, today I will consider the fifth chapter of Gandhi’s book “Hind Swaraj” as amplification material when working with internal conflicts. The chapter is titled “The State of England.” In this chapter, Gandhi discusses the English Parliament as an entity, as well as its parent, the English people. The essence of his opinion can be boiled down to two quotes, which he substantiates in the chapter: “What you consider the Mother of Parliaments is like a barren woman and a prostitute” and “As the people are, so is their Parliament.” You may think that these expressions are too harsh, but they were written in a time when every second person was not running around the courts trying to defend something, indulging his own inferiority complex. These were times when people were not so driven into neuroses by prohibitions on expressing their own feelings. Sometimes it seems that the world is sliding into an abyss, dooming us to emasculated extroversion and an abyss-like distance from the instinctive base of humanity hidden in the unconscious. But let’s not catastrophize too much. At the psychological level, the chapter is interesting because it reveals the essence of a person’s internal conflict. Notice these words: “But in fact it is generally accepted that Members of Parliament are hypocritical and selfish. Everyone thinks about their own insignificant interests. Fear is their main driving motive. … . Carlisle called Parliament "the chattering shop of the world." This is exactly what happens in our mental reality during a period of aggravation of internal conflict. Our different parts pull the blanket over themselves, the inner world begins to resemble a fairy tale about a swan, a crayfish and a pike (this image is so close to consciousness that it formed the basis of one technique for working with goals using metaphorical cards). Inside, we are pulled in different directions by instincts, subpersonalities, and archetypes. This happens if a person has a weak ego. That is, the ego complex does not have sufficient power in the land of the psyche. This is the country where democracy directly leads to psychological problems. The totalitarianism of a strong ego ensures the stability of the individual. This is especially important in crisis situations. This does not mean that the leading ego does not listen to the inhabitants of its psychic reality. He listens, but makes decisions quite harshly and individually. It is no secret that in a crisis, if we turn to Kernberg’s typology, a neurotic person can slide into a borderline level, a borderline person into a psychotic level, and a psychotic person can get a card of a state house with a long conversation with a psychiatrist and various tasty pills. As one of my colleagues noted, recent events have pushed many of his male clients into movement along this chain. People rushed into completely unfounded borderline psychotic activities. The same situation as in parliament can be observed by a psychologist with a diffuse ego in some clients with a borderline personality structure. If we return to Jung and remember the Self as an internal God-image that appears in the process of individuation (In simple words: the formation of a cohesive team from the soul and consciousness. At the same time, Jung noted that, even being in good contact with his unconscious, the Ego must be controlling.), then its manifestation also corresponds to the maturity of the individual. Thus, Gandhi describes to us the pathology of collective consciousness using the example of English society. The chapter is very interesting because we see the collective as a certain entity that has its own mental processes occurring inside. Receiving signals in this message about an unhealthy situation of consciousness, our own Ego-complex naturally strives to take a defensive position and not allow the described chaos into itself. This reaction achieves the author’s goal. And in his work, the psychologist helps the client to separate the Ego from the Persona and build the interaction of the internal parts of the personality under the control of the Ego. I think it is important to note that the Ego in the land of the psyche is not just a steering wheel, it is a spotlight. The ego highlights everything that is in the field of consciousness. That's why)
