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Have you ever experienced shame? Have you ever felt ashamed of your own happiness? Has it ever happened to you that you are rich, successful, happily married and happy with life, but you can’t be happy about it, because almost all the people you know from your family system lived or are living much worse now you? If yes, then at these moments in your life you had to deal with Their Majesties Belonging and Loyalty. It is through guilt and shame that they can manifest themselves in such situations. And if in the experience of the generations of ancestors closest to you there were many difficult stories, pain, suffering, deprivation, financial difficulties, then it is very difficult for descendants to be successful and happy. They have no one to rely on in this - they have had very little experience of happiness in the past and now there is no one around who could sincerely be happy for them. But envy and anger can be present in excess. Therefore, deep in the subconscious, hostages of loyalty seem to know that they cannot, should not, do not have the right to be successful / rich / happy / healthy. And for this reason, they subconsciously sabotage their own path to success in every possible way. Continuing to follow the difficult path of their ancestors, proving their belonging to their family and loyalty to the suffering of their ancestors. For this reason, the good things that happen to them are something that is difficult to withstand. The “copper pipes” test places a heavy burden on a person’s shoulders. And then the money “merges” into nowhere, one illness ends and another immediately begins, love relationships chronically do not work out, and so on. In general, misfortunes never end, despite all the efforts to cope with them. Therefore, instead of joy for your achievements, there is often a deep feeling of guilt for success, even if this success was honestly earned and you had to work hard to achieve it. Is there a way out of this? ?Yes, it exists. Although sometimes it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The first and simplest thing is to find those in your family who can really support you and be sincerely happy for you. These are the real people you can rely on for your success and joy. Second, turn to the experience of your ancestors in a broader aspect than what is achievable for review. There are many generations and thousands of people in the tribal system. And there will definitely be at least one person there who can bless you with happiness. Third, realize the true roots of your guilt, and deal with it in a psychologist’s office. Oksana Anashchenko, psychologist, constellation, trauma therapist. The publication is protected by copyright - copying and reposting are not allowed. You can sign up for an individual session with the author of the article by message on this website or here - https://vk.com/oksana_khors This meeting lasts 1.5 hours and includes consultation, constellation and deep work with injuries.
