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“prequel” to the release of the program “Glushenkova and the point” on January 24 on the Nika TV channel He was the youngest in a large family, where the first-born baby died of illness at an early age, a family in which a disabled boy with high creative abilities would be born, a family , where the father is a decorated war veteran who suddenly, after a few years, decides to return to his first wife and simply leave his second wife alone with three tomboyish boys and a preschooler. This terrible moment of family rupture will remain a deep wound for everyone forever, especially for the young wife. A little later than this event, the younger boy will fall through the ice and miraculously remain alive, but with the consequences - a sore back for the rest of his life. Because of the difficult situation in which they found themselves, one of her aunts, my mother’s sister, agreed to take in her eldest son. The young mother of many children, having grieved, pulled herself together and worked hard at a steel mill, continuing to maintain the household and raise the boys. She loved to read O. Balzac, sang beautifully, accompanying herself on the guitar, and tried to be both strict and affectionate with children. But separation and internal resentment towards her husband greatly affected her health; before her youngest son came of age, she died of oncology. Character determines destiny. The lives of all sons took their own special, unique path. The elder brother, after serving in the army, got married and went to live in Ukraine, in the Poltava region. The average senior did not serve in the army due to disability, he remained to live in the “family nest”, working as a shoemaker, he had an exceptional talent - he instantly knew how to pick out absolutely any melody while playing the guitar, and when the guys tried to remember what chords he played, he quickly began beautifully and in rhythm to sort out others to confuse the curious. The middle youngest, having served in the army, first worked at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, then got married and after some time, at the invitation of his youngest brother, who had already lived there for several years, he came to work in the Arctic, but after a few years he returned to Ulyanovsk forever. However, the entire subsequent story will be about the youngest, who very secretly and sincerely misses his late mother (this was read between the words when he remembered her), who took on part of the household chores and the role of “pushing” for his older brothers in relation to running the common household. after her death. After serving in the army, following my brother, I got a job at the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, and then at some difficult, key and forever-shrouded secret moment for my family, I made the decision of the “romantics of the 70s” - to go to work in the Far North, beyond the Arctic Circle , to the city of Seven Larchs, in November 1975. Upon arrival, he gets a job at the Labytnang timber transshipment base and after a while, as if in the movie “Girls,” he becomes one of the foremost workers and remains forever captured in a photograph in the “Red North” newspaper. One day, by a coincidence of various circumstances, a cheerful, beautiful, intelligent and strong-willed girl came straight from the Northern capital to Labytnangi to visit her aunt, and went to work (guess where?)) at a timber transshipment base. Our hero met her with a mutual friend and even then determined the vector of their future life together - the creation of their own family. It was a strong, strong-willed and sincere decision of two adults, although the girl’s mother was actively against: “How will you live, you have nothing!” - she said something along these lines. To which I received an answer from my future truly beloved son-in-law: “We will live in such a way that others will envy!”, then he abruptly began to get ready, called the girl with him and they left, into the life that they had chosen consciously and themselves. Over 36 years of marriage, we have experienced a horde of joys and disappointments, love and care, vanity and fatigue, rich humor and straightforwardness, fortitude and, most importantly, unity. There are three of themchildren have never been heard or seen swearing - this is the absolute truth. The wisdom was that the parents calmly discussed among themselves, behind the closed door of their bedroom, what needed to be discussed. There were sometimes cases when, for good reasons, he withdrew into himself, closed himself off from everyone and showed severe disregard; fortunately, this rarely happened. Sometimes he was very angry. Even his colleagues and acquaintances - grown men - were afraid of his anger and sharp tongue, because it was always to the point and for the cause, everyone understood it and therefore it became much more terrible. This is about boundaries, honesty and justice, he himself was an ardent supporter of this path and always directed his children along this road. He knew how to sincerely and sincerely support his family and close friends, he did not abandon them in trouble - such behavior was absorbed into the children like a sponge and found a beneficial manifestation in their future, own lives. Several times he went to visit his son in the army; it was a difficult time, brazen and completely limitless hazing literally almost killed the guy, he talked with the leadership, resolved issues. He always worried about his son and tried to help him when he realized that it was in his power. The housekeeping he had developed since childhood found creative expression - together with his wife, they built a chicken coop, a cellar, equipped a storage room under the house, a garage for a car and a motorcycle. In permafrost conditions, he was one of the first to build glass greenhouses for tomatoes and cucumbers, took up vegetable gardening and horticulture, the fruits of his work are still alive today - the eldest daughter’s family collects black currants every year and admires the bird cherry trees planted by their parents. Through his labors, from which he himself enjoyed - he energized others, “set a rhythm for them” - the neighbors in the area began to have more and more greenhouses and vegetable gardens. Create something with your own hands or, without fear, qualitatively repair almost everything you can, sew on a sewing machine or by hand, repair shoes with an awl, burn interesting patterns on future self-made cutting boards, gather the whole family when the power is turned off, in the living room and under guitar, sing songs together, cook incredibly tasty dishes and be able to serve and eat them beautifully and appetizingly, so that everyone also has an appetite - all this was also part of the sphere of his life. Unconsciously, by personal example, he taught children to show creative creativity, to love the fruits of their labors and always supported such endeavors in them, this instilled in them self-confidence and freedom of creative scope. He valued human intelligence, knowledge, erudition, always tried to keep abreast of the latest events in the world, was interested in cars and understood them well. One day, the car of close friends of the youngest daughter stalled; mobile Internet was a luxury back then, but mobile communications instantly connected subscribers and important recommendations were received, the car started up. Relatives could turn to him with absolutely any question and be sure that they would hear a wise decision. The life of my family was very eventful, by the way, yes, this story is about my dad - a Man with a steely spirit and a strong will, golden hands, a sharp tongue and a wonderful sense of humor. In 2013, he left for a better world. And remembering him, in a special state - pregnancy, it is always very difficult for me to contain my emotions, which was also the case on television (unless, of course, these moments remain in the final version of the program). I still miss him wildly and he will forever remain in my heart. My character strengths are inspired, forged and tempered largely thanks to him, my self-esteem, ideological drive, creative impulse. I am already an adult, conscious, realized woman in many areas, who, on the whole, has adequately undergone separation from my parents’ nest, which began quite early - at the age of 16, but there is one point - that it is still difficult for me to “accept and let go”, in particularly after my father's death, it still awakens in me.
