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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya The client who turned to me, as a psychologist and sexologist, was very sweet and modest. I noticed the grace of movements and the beauty of the pose, and as it turned out, not in vain. The girl was a ballerina by training. But, unfortunately, the female sexual problem of anorgasmia is common to women of any profession. And ballet is no exception. She has always been passionate about her profession, and relationships with men have already begun. after twenty, as well as deflowering, which was not early. In this case, we can already assume that the girl did not particularly experience sexual desire, and the need for sex was not initially high. Such clients often experience anorgasmia. herself as a woman. And indeed, my client from Moscow indicated that she began to masturbate in her twenties, when she was trying to build relationships. At first there was no orgasm from clitoral stimulation at all. Then it began to appear, but was manifested rather weakly. Working further as a sexologist and psychologist, I came to the conclusion that the client underestimated herself. The girl lacked self-confidence; her sexual model of behavior with men was not fully developed. She felt that her current partner was underestimating her client. This was based on the fact that he practically does not talk to the girl about love. And meetings are not as frequent as we would like. It is worth noting what sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists know about the different approaches to relationships on the part of men and women. Men tend to distance themselves. They value their freedom and may disappear for periods of time without explanation. And this will be purely male behavior, in contrast to a woman who strives to be close to her lover, even 24 hours a day. In addition, the man experienced problems with sex, which could well indicate the presence of a syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure. But this already requires individual work on male sexual problems. Now let's return to my client from Moscow. We approached the topic of modeling and adding to her the missing qualities that would make the girl more sexy and self-confident, and this would also be a step towards solving the female sexual problem of anorgasmia. NLP techniques allow us to do this kind of work easily. You just need to choose a role model. This role model turned out to be her close friend, who was doing well in relationships with men, and in sex as well. We removed the general negative feeling from the client. And they added the condition: to be interesting not only to your man, but also to those around you. The ability to communicate easily, use intonation, express your feelings. Next, we added inner sexual fullness, energy, and femininity to the girl. Now the condition of my client from Moscow has become equal. Self-esteem has become much better, and problems have decreased. But this is not all the work towards solving her sexual female problem of anorgasmia. We still have psychotherapy to go. I think that we will achieve the desired result here. PS This article is fictional and has nothing to do with real characters.
