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From the author: Play is the favorite and main activity of a preschool child. It is a pity that some adults consider play to be something frivolous and unimportant for a child. Play is priceless and necessary for the development of children. Play, play, play with children. My peers and younger people probably remember the yard games that we played in our childhood - we jumped rope, played Hopscotch, there were many games with a ball, “The sea is worried...”, “Ring, ring,” “ Gardener”, “Cossacks - Robbers”, “Hot Potatoes”... Basically, these were group and collective games. As part of my project “Game Library in the Library”, I teach today’s children to play both board games and outdoor and I alternate them. In my opinion, today’s board games are more diverse, better designed, and there are so many of them that it’s dizzying... I think they should be chosen based on the current needs of the family, age, development, and goals of raising a child. Real games are a qualitatively different way of communicating with children, families in real life and a good alternative to playing with gadgets and watching TV, even for an hour. 1. Hide and seek The most common and favorite children's game of all times. They begin to play this game already in infancy - remember the parental “Peek-a-boo”? Why do children of different ages and nationalities love this game? I can assume that children are driven by the desire to search, explore this world, it also trains the desire to achieve goals and , perhaps some archetypes or collective unconscious are involved. It is noteworthy that at first children like to be found, but they do not particularly try to hide. Then they get pleasure from both a successful search and the fact that they were not found, but whoever searches always finds. For me, it was always a problem to hide and the children quickly found me, so most often I was in the role of the leader and seeker. Let me remind you of the course of the game for those who have forgotten or don’t remember: 1. Using a counting machine, choose the leader and count, where the leader, turning to the wall, counts down: I count to five, I can’t count to ten. 1,2,3,4,5, I’m going to look! Whoever didn’t hide - I’m not to blame!! !The first driver found is the driver.2. Sorcerers We played this game on the playground, but I remember it more from kindergarten - I played it with the children of the senior and preparatory groups. The game is simple, active, fun and its essence is that the sorcerer runs after other children and tries to bewitch them , touching with his hand, and the rest, not yet bewitched, run and try to disenchant the bewitched one. Progress of the game: On a spacious playground, players of at least 3 children stand in a circle and choose a leading sorcerer using any counting rhyme. Then, on command, they scatter in all directions. The sorcerer tries to catch up with someone and make them look bad, that is, cast a spell. The bewitched person stands still, arms outstretched, and waits for the other children to cast a spell on him. As soon as this happens, the child is back in the game and runs away from the sorcerer. The game is considered over if the sorcerer casts a spell on all players, and this will depend on the dexterity and speed of the sorcerer.3. Ring is a girl's favorite game, but in my game library boys also play it. It is better to play it when the children are at least 5 and children aged from 5 to 12 years. In any case, I remember how we played this game as teenagers. You can play on the street, playground, indoors where there is a bench, sofa, bench. The driver holds a ring or any small object in his palms: a pebble, a button. The rest of the players sit in a row and fold their hands into boats. The driver approaches everyone and seems to put a ring in the boat. In fact, only one gets the ring. And the player who received it should not give himself away. The rest need to silently determine who the lucky one is. Then the driver says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The owner of the ring must jump up and run away. Other players need to detain him. The one who can escape becomes the driver and gives out the ring.4. The quieter you go, the further you will Quite an active game, great for children and adults. You can play...
