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“Happiness is not a fleeting feeling that comes and goes,” says Bert Hellinger, “happiness remains with us forever.” However, we remember it when we cease to be for ourselves happy when we look for it in someone, we leave, trying to escape from problems and a disgusting environment. But happiness, it comes and runs and rushes not behind us, but with us, inside us. Everyone describes this happiness differently and at each specific moment it is also different. One thing in common is contentment with oneself and what exists at this particular moment. We are happy when we eat something tasty, especially when we have been sitting on meager rations for a long time, when the sun comes out after a long rain, when we receive a call from someone whose voice we have been wanting to hear for so long, or when we manage to grow such huge juicy tomatoes. . At such moments, we are overwhelmed with the feeling that everything is enough. Enough to experience a state of calm, peace, absence of anxiety, happiness. Much has been written and sung about happiness. I want to tell you about why for one person happiness means world peace, and for another it means waking up and just living. How much to weigh in grams The concept of happiness and who deserves what kind of happiness is formed in us in childhood. For some it is earlier than 8 years, for others a little later. During this same period, we learn about justice, how fair it is to experience joy and happiness if someone around you is feeling bad, and we have earned this right - to be happy. And so we grow up to be the kind of truth-fighters who have happiness according to a schedule, according to a tariff, according to desert .Actually, it is a myth that happiness must be earned - it is not necessary. Neither happiness nor love can be earned. You can earn our attention, our choice to be with this or that man or woman, our respect. The need for love and happiness does not depend in any way on external factors. It depends only on internal conditions. But the ability to love and be happy, to feel reciprocity - contact and intimacy with others are formed on the basis of our values, our childhood choices, decisions made. Just imagine the situation: an adult woman marries her son. And for the first time she feels happiness and even lightness; she has freed up time for herself, to communicate with her husband. A month passes, then another, and all the neighbors already know about the details of the wedding, about the bride, about the plans of the newlyweds, and the woman becomes sad. She becomes embittered, walks around the house not herself, asks her husband untimely questions about future grandchildren, and makes plans. Everything seems to be fine, but there is no happiness. There is no very event that triggers happiness. And so on until old age. The first grandson was born - happiness. They didn’t bring you for a walk - it’s a misfortune. The daughter-in-law complained - it was unfortunate. The whole family came, helped make repairs, dug up potatoes in the dacha - happiness. This is how the grandmother swings on the swing of happiness, and it’s not her own. Not your own? Because for her, happiness is when something important and significant happens outside, from her point of view, making her happy. That, I don’t know what, How to understand and feel this internal structure of yours called happiness? You just need to observe yourself: what makes you a joyful or contented person, what makes you an inspired man or a soaring woman, what are you doing, what are your own experiences, what state of the body is responsible for your happiness. The second stage in the magical journey to distant lands will be observing the reaction on the actions of other people - how others influence or do not influence my state of “good”. And here you will need to deal with what is valuable and significant for you, whether you are going your own way or living someone else’s life. Understanding these things will give you an idea of ​​how you yourself can manage your attitude towards your life - to be happy no matter what that, believing in pleasant fateful events, one is calm when the time comes for sadness and tears. Since even in nature everything is cyclical: after winter there is spring, after rain there is sun, night is replaced by day. Find out what is for me.
