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If you communicate openly and honestly with your partner, then we can confidently say that your relationship is healthy and environmentally friendly. Of course, there are situations about which it seems better not to tell anyone at all, even to the closest person, but often, secrets from a loved one can cost the relationship itself. There are several main topics that should not be hidden from the other half. What about personal space and boundaries, you ask? Of course, you are not obliged to share absolutely all the details and facts of your biography, but some points still cannot be hidden. Any “secret” can be perceived by a partner as a lie, deception and even betrayal. Topics that, in my opinion, are better not to hide from your loved one person:1. Financial problems These can be large debts, bankruptcy proceedings, pledges, loans, unauthorized divisions of property, alimony debts, debt obligations supported by a receipt, etc. It is monetary misunderstandings that are the most popular “secret” in relationships, and then in marriage, which can lead to divorce. It is important to understand that if a person had problems with money before entering into a relationship with you, then most likely they will continue to have problems in the relationship and even in the marriage. The way a person relates to money and manages it is formed in early childhood and consolidated in adulthood. If financial security and stability are important to you, then it is important to be completely honest with your partner and tell him about the difficult situations you have had with money in the past and what you currently have. You can also tell how you solved financial difficulties and found a way out of the current situation. This will show you on the positive side and show that you can cope with difficulties on your own. Financial secrets will definitely be revealed. This can happen at a very unexpected moment, for example when you want to make a joint purchase. Or, when your partner will go through the verification stages when applying for employment in a particular company.2. Past Relationships and Infidelity Cheating, lies and infidelity are the biggest secrets in a marriage that can ultimately destroy a relationship. Cheating is always a choice, even while intoxicated or during a quarrel. So your partner has the right to know about your choice. He deserves to be treated honestly. And if you are already divorced, then before entering into a new relationship you need to inform your new partner about this. It will be great if you talk about the presence or absence of children, the reason for the divorce, as well as what kind of relationship you currently have with your ex-partner. This needs to be discussed in advance, because dating a divorced person who has children or an unfinished relationship with a partner is not for everyone. For some, this may serve as a stopping factor for entering into a serious relationship with you.3. Dependency Let's continue to talk about honesty. Another popular topic of secrets is addiction. This could be alcohol, drug, sexual, gaming or other form of addiction. You need to tell your new partner about any manifestation of addiction that you have had in the past or currently have. Again, for some it will be okay if you use alcohol and drugs, but for others this is unacceptable. I understand that many are not ready to share such facts, because... They experience a feeling of shame or fear of being misunderstood and completely losing their partner. What if, having learned about your problem, your partner does not turn away from you, but rather supports you and together you can overcome the disease. But here it is very important not to harbor illusions and assess the situation sensibly. It’s one thing when a person promises to quit smoking and you can believe it, but when a person steals things from home, constantly lies and takes drugs, you definitely cannot do without the help of specialists and inpatient treatment.4. Experienced violenceSexual or physical violence is severe and extremely negative.
