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From the author: Published on the website of Leonid Sergeevich Lysenko 06/15/2012 Fitness psychology, for people WITHOUT PROBLEMS. Successful people do not need the help of a psychologist. But sometimes circumstances arise in life when even an accomplished person without psychological complexes needs support. If it is not provided on time, all the fruits of successful activity may go down the drain. Fitness psychology is for people without psychological problems who want to “adjust” their life a little or reach a new level of quality of life. Often a person tries to solve his problem on his own, without resorting to the help of a specialist. If the emotional charge of the problem is not too great, the psyche itself can deal with it. The main levers here are sleep, previous experience, which self-therapeutizes the psychological problem, as well as time, which is known to heal. However, if the traumatic impact has an extremely strong impact on a person’s life, special psychological techniques are already required here in order to prevent a person becomes depressed or sad. A person prone to self-reflection will first go to the Internet, delve into various forums and find a couple of techniques that, in his opinion, will help eliminate the problem. Often, proper application of such therapy takes months and even years of work. But you need to live now, and your family requires attention today, and not in months. And money to provide for your family is even more necessary right now. In this case, the best option would be a course in fitness psychology from a specialist. The psychologist here acts as a kind of mirror, reflecting and clearly showing the client’s problem. As a rule, working through emotional negativity is one of the most common problems encountered in therapy. Thus, just a few sessions with a specialist will relieve the client of a problem that could take years to resolve on his own. The result of the consultation in this case will be the ability to subordinate psychological processes and emotional state to a given goal. It also happens that you need very little to move to the next level of personal development or making money. In this case, fitness psychology is used as a tool for increasing a person’s personal effectiveness. Clients, as a rule, are people whose line of work places increased demands on a person’s individual charisma. This type includes realtors, lawyers, experts, executives, top managers, business owners, and politicians. Their activities are based on influencing and manipulating people. People of this type strive to study those materials that will allow them to interact even more effectively with opponents or clients, bringing in more income. A psychologist’s work with such clients is fast and effective, because they, as a rule, are aware of what specifically prevents them from achieving their goal and what they want from consultations. Fitness psychology will help remove those interfering blocks that prevent a person from moving to a higher level. These may be minor problems in communication, lack of persuasion skills, or the presence of internal inhibitions. By removing these barriers, the psychologist allows the client to sharply “start up”, increasing his effectiveness in interacting with people around him. The latter, in turn, helps to increase a person’s income. The result of the consultation will be the ability to maintain a vigorous working state for a long time, as well as the elimination of problems that prevent the transition to a qualitatively new level. Thus, fitness psychology is an excellent option for thinking people who do not want to be content with what they have and who want reach the very top in politics, business, and leadership positions. By identifying the causes of a person’s problems and eliminating them, the consultant allows the client to reveal his inner potential. Online psychologist Lysenko Leonid Sergeevich.
