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From the author: How and with what help do we create what happens to us? For those who want to learn how to manage their lives, I suggest that you get acquainted with the tools for managing reality - these are: goals and intentions, beliefs and unconscious programs, thoughts and emotions, as well as the power of general energy potential and the ability to manage your aura. Let's try to understand the general principles of the formation of what is happening using the example of a situation of lack of money. The article was published on April 4, 2011 on the website A person comes into this world to develop his soul, gain experience that is important for it, solve karmic problems, return karmic debts, and try to improve karmic relationships. The development of the soul involves mastering certain qualities, expanding one’s vision and understanding of what is happening, and improving the quality of vibrations emitted by the soul. The development process can be joyful and satisfying. At the moment of a person’s birth, his birth horoscope is turned on, which contains various options for fate. Based on the natal chart constructed at the moment of birth, one can determine the main milestones of a person’s life, the characteristics of his life, inclinations, and abilities. A person has a range of possible fate options. Which of the options is implemented depends primarily on the person himself, on his desire, perseverance, on his attitude in life, on what conclusions he draws while going through life’s trials, on his choices, his vitality and courage. Let’s try to understand the general principles of the formation of what is happening in example of a situation of lack of money. The first tool for creating reality is goal setting. The first tool for managing life is the presence of goals, their clarity, precision and significance for a person. Without a goal, a person resembles a sailboat moving without a route. There is a possibility that someday it might take him where he needs to go, but the chances are slim. Often society and imposed values ​​distract a person from deep-seated goals and lead him astray. In this case, his potential is wasted and does not provide satisfaction. If a person sets goals that lead him away from realizing his karmic destiny, problems arise in his life. They are designed to draw a person’s attention to the fact that he is doing something wrong. Karmic tasks are the direction that should be a priority for a person; its implementation gives a feeling of satisfaction. A karmic horoscope will help to understand the evolutionary tasks that a person faces. By fulfilling his destiny, a person gains freedom in various manifestations and can receive from life what gives him a feeling of happiness and joy. The problem with money is often characteristic of those who do not strive to have it and do not make the appropriate efforts. That is, in principle, a person may not mind, but for him this is not the main thing. In such cases, something else is significant: the possibility of creative self-realization, freedom or the availability of free time, etc. In order to change the current situation, you need to reconsider your goals. You need to determine for yourself what level of materiality you want to achieve and over what period. The clearer and more meaningful the goal, the more it corresponds to the spiritual vibrations of a particular person, the more inspiring it becomes. Successful people are distinguished by ambitious goals and determination in their implementation. There are many methods of working with goals: their specification, correct formulation, visualization. The second lever for creating reality is the thoughts and emotions with which they are charged. Thoughts are the concentration of our attention and, accordingly, our energy. A person creates his reality by what he thinks every second. Mostly the thinking process occurs chaotically. People think a lot about problems, experiences - what worries them, worries them and what they don’t want. As a result, they feed and reproduce exactly what does not suit them. The principle “like attracts like” works. Observe how muchHow much time you are positive, believe in the possibility of prosperity, and how much time you doubt, are sad and worried about money. As a result, you get what you feed with the energy of your thoughts. The important point is the accuracy of thought. People often say something completely different from what they want. There are many examples of inadequate formulations: my eyes would not see, I don’t want to hear, many different wishes that do not carry a positive message, etc. As a result, people get what they “ordered.” To consciously manage your reality, you need to learn to choose consonant goals, formulate them correctly, learn to manage your thoughts, use positive and precise formulations, learn to attract what you want with the power of thought. My trainings “Mastering the Laws of Attraction” and “School of Lucky People” are dedicated to teaching these skills. One of the tools of positive programming is positive statements (affirmations), which help you switch and maintain a favorable attitude. By saying positive statements, you “overwrite” your negative programs, tune in to positive wave. To rewrite them you need a million repetitions, faith and maintaining a positive attitude. After all, if you have lived with negative programs for years, then a month of diligent repetition is not enough to “rewrite” them. Positive models and a belief in abundance should be the dominant background. If you periodically fall into worries and doubts about money, then this reduces the effectiveness of affirmations and prevents you from achieving what you want. The Law of Attraction operates and, accordingly, what is emitted by a person is attracted. Subconscious programs, energy masses are magnets that attract corresponding situations. Doubts, worries and the lack of tangible results from the efforts made to achieve the desired indicate the presence of subconscious programs, blocks or energy masses in a person . If a person does not have blockages, then a positive attitude and affirmations have an effect after just a month of active work. Programs in the subconscious, which contain statements about the impossibility of obtaining something, are an obstacle to the realization of what is desired. Money problems are associated with anti-wealth programs. They are often not realized by a person, but are manifested in his attitude, thoughts, mood, words: “so, said the poor man”, “money to money, debts to debts”, “money is not the main thing in life”, “if it is not possible to be rich, it’s not given”, “money is earned hard”, “if you were born in poverty, then you will die in poverty”... Repeated repetition of affirmations is aimed at rewriting these programs. Since this is a rough dubbing, it requires a lot of time and effort. Using positive affirmations is still better than continuing to be negative. By using more effective methods of neutralizing programs, a person saves time and energy. Holographic therapy is a tool for neutralizing destructive programs. Holographic therapy is an effective means of detecting and converting destructive programs into constructive ones. To work through a program means to determine what emotions it is associated with, when and how it manifested itself, in what situation and in what connection it arose. It is necessary to trace the entire chain of its manifestations and get to the primary situation of its occurrence, and understand what the person decided, what conclusions he made. Then you need to work through the situation: forgive everyone involved, forgive yourself, remove all complaints, cleanse negative emotions with a black ball. After this, you need to change the decision made, which limits financial opportunities, to a new one that contributes to the flow of money. Then all subsequent situations are cleaned along the chain, in which the limiting programs are also changed to new ones. It is in finding a new solution that lies the life lesson that a person must learn for himself when solving a life problem. Tangible changes occur immediately after working through the problem. Limiting programs can form in this life. In thatIn this case, 1-3 sessions are enough to solve the problem. For example, during one consultation it turned out that both the client’s mother and grandmother condemned wealth. They believed that honest work could not earn much money. The client accepted this philosophy and grew up with it. While she worked at school and received little money, her life corresponded to her philosophy. But when she went to work in a commercial structure, an internal conflict emerged: despite her diligence and hard work, money came with great difficulty on the orders she carried out. The situation was worsened by the “idealization of money” and “dependence on it” - children grew up, and there was a catastrophic lack of money. Awareness and elaboration of restrictive programs, changing them, removing the “importance of money” quite quickly resulted in an increase in cash flow. Money began to come effortlessly. At some stage, the woman began to earn significantly more, but began to get sick. This is how the second limiting program manifested itself. It arose in childhood when her father worked hard and became ill as a result. A program has formed in the subconscious: “good earnings are associated with great effort and lead to loss of health.” This program prevented the client from getting a paid job. After all, the subconscious mind protects a person from what poses a threat to him. It was necessary to cleanse the negativity and disidentify from my father’s program, to allow myself to be healthy and rich. Destructive programs are associated with various aspects of life in which not everything works out for a person the way he wanted. Programs direct a person's life in such a way as to ensure compliance with existing deep-seated beliefs. These are a kind of magnets that attract situations corresponding to a person’s birth horoscope, in order to gain the necessary experience and the possibility of expanding one’s vision, changing one’s behavior. The programs and energy masses underlying the problem are worked out during psychological consultation with the help of holographic therapy. You can get my help in solving problems not only during a personal meeting, but also via SKYPE, ooVoo. To do this, you need to sign up for a session and pay for a holographic therapy session. Liberation from destructive programs and energy masses helps to soften your destiny and improve it. When a person has learned a lesson, he does not need to experience the problem, he is freed from it. In life, there comes harmonization, a solution to the situation. The ability to manage your aura is the key to managing your life. The main tool for managing reality is the level of energy, i.e. the strength and frequency characteristics of the radiation of our aura and the ability to control it. The energy potential determines a person’s strength, his health, the degree of development, the breadth of a person’s vision, etc. In a person’s aura there are dense layers associated with the experience accumulated by the soul. It also reflects current states, thoughts and emotions. The strength of the field protects a person from adverse influences. The higher and more stable the energy level, the more noticeable and stronger a person becomes, the more he can accomplish. When a person’s energy level is weak, his desires are “not heard,” his request is lost in the general energy flow. Energy potential is manifested in performance and emotional stability. If a person gets tired quickly, is irritable, and is mostly in a bad mood, this indicates a lack of energy. Diseases are an indicator of energy blockage. It is important for a person to focus on identifying the causes and restoring energy potential. Without energy there will be no health, no positive thinking, no achievements. You need to reconsider your diet, start doing energy exercises, learn to clear your field of negativity, work on strengthening it with the help of color therapy, meditation, minerals, etc. To begin with, it is useful to understand how human chakras function. Problems characterize blockages of the corresponding chakras. For example, weakness, fatigue, or manifestations of aggression are a signal of/
