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From the author: A series of articles on the topic: “Secrets of successful communication” was written based on materials from the author’s training of the same name, which I am currently conducting in person and on Skype. Other articles can be seen on the website: בס'ד Win-win lottery: is it possible? How we imagine a lottery today: tickets are purchased, and then the holders of the purchased lottery tickets patiently wait for the drawing to take place. Finally, the long-awaited drawing is held, as a result of which someone receives a win (usually there are few of them), someone receives nothing (and such participants, as a rule, are the majority). At all sorts of evenings, win-win lotteries are sometimes held, where everyone can get some small change as a consolation, and someone can win a big prize (if the organizers do not cheat). In the lottery that we are going to talk about, everything is a little different. In it, the participant buys a ticket and does not wait for the drawing, where the machines throw out balls with numbers, and he earns his winnings. And the more intensely and confidently he takes part in the game, the more significant his prize. You can object to me that this is not a lottery, but an investment or some kind of business. But in the case of business or investment, success is not guaranteed; you can lose your investments and work (this will not be said about us). I won’t tell “horror stories” on this topic; you yourself know, most likely, such stories. There should be no losses in the described lottery. Winning is guaranteed. What is this? Reveal the secret. And the answer is simple and difficult at the same time. The name of this lottery is: “Work on improving your qualities and spiritual growth.” What does it really look like? Let's say a person decides to start working on himself, to change himself for the better. He turns to a specialist for consultations or enrolls in a group (bought a ticket and started the game). Where are his prizes and is there something else there? Don't delude yourself about difficulties or failures. There may be difficulties and failures along the way. However, if a person is not afraid of failures and does not fall into despair, then he achieves a lot. If a participant leaves the game, unfortunately, he loses the opportunity to win prizes and bonuses. This is not very pleasant, but this is not a death sentence; of course, it is beneficial for him to start the game over. Yes, he lost time, but he does not lose the opportunity to re-enter the game and continue his successful path. When a person plays a computer game, he can receive bonuses and prizes during the game, usually virtual ones. In the said lottery, it turns out that you can also receive completely unexpected, but pleasant, useful, real (not virtual) bonuses. For example, a person wants to achieve better contact with employees and superiors at work and goes to a psychological group or to a psychologist for consultation. After some time, he receives the necessary knowledge and skills on the ordered topic. As a result, it turned out that not only did his relationships with colleagues improve, but his relationships with his wife, children and elderly parents improved. Previously, he did not see a problem there; he was more or less satisfied with this relationship. But when he started studying, it turned out that a lot can be changed in relationships with loved ones, which is exactly what he did: these are the very bonuses that he received. What new thing can a person learn from what is still unknown to him? This could go on for a long time. But I will try to present this list briefly. - How to start working correctly on correcting your qualities. - How to turn your shortcomings into advantages (it turns out that this is possible). - Secrets of communication (this is my favorite topic and the training I conduct)"
