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You can run away from people, from situations, circumstances, get rid of desires, but illusions, thoughts, feelings and experiences will remain as long as a person sees, hears and breathes. Only action helps a person to understand, accept and realize the highest degree of life's moral teachings. Life is distributed by a person according to a cunning plan, known only to a select few, namely: With whom the heart beats in unison and a bright moment of happiness is lit, with a smile every day, like a dream that comes from love a spark of the eye burned. But human life often depends on conventions, illusions, ideals and, as a result, disappointments. A person begins to avoid and evade problems, blocking feelings and noticing only previous experience, selectively stating life lessons, reproaches and believing in fate and evil fate .What makes a person exist in spite of himself, renouncing life for pleasure? How do positive individuals differ from people who are in upset feelings? Why is it “knee-deep in the sea” for some, and “a puddle seems like an ocean” for others? A person looks for answers in the same place where questions lurk, ignoring themselves. In order for the answers to become obvious, the person experiences anxiety disorders and panic states, which he prefers to hide even from himself. A person turns for help only in a state of hopelessness, realizing that it will only get worse for him and he can cope with his own through the forces and purpose of “self-medication” begins to destroy the personality from the inside. Deep impulses suggest that life is the most precious gift from the universe itself. And awareness comes in moments of clarification and clarification of experiential images at all stages of getting to know oneself (consulting). With the advent of the Internet, human life is increasingly similar to the projection of other people's images, ideals, thoughts and desires. The personality belongs to itself in rare cases of inclusion in reality, here and now. It is difficult for a person to find the strength in himself and stop, look around and see life without a blinkered view of the everyday, everyday and career components of life experience. In a constant rush, a person tries to get ahead of himself , looking through the details of past and long-gone events in the background. The present is alien and vulnerable to the manifestation of emotions, feelings and desires. In the guise of passing days, months and years in pursuit of a goal, a person realizes how little he manages to accomplish. Time inexorably beats the rhythm hour after hour. Newly born boys and girls become parents and instantly grandparents. And where is life? At what point did 20-30 years fly by and why in the mirror is the face alien to the gaze, where is that moment when you wanted to live, love, dream and made plans. Where am I and my dream in all this...Looking back and resisting the present, a person still runs forward, avoiding reality. The whole life in a frantic rhythm sometimes overtakes you in moments of peace, which are burdened by the question “what to do next?” The present is erased. Reality flies by as if through a porthole where only one wing is visible and strangers nearby. Friends, family, acquaintances and sometimes even loved ones get lost in the hustle and bustle of the years: affairs, work, money, provide, get, catch up, catch up, take, profitably, quickly, conveniently and so it is necessary. Constant running. You can sign up for a consultation by personal message by clicking on “get a consultation” https://www.b17.ru/go_3hh or WhatsApp https://wa.me/message/MNXMQTNXF2M2P1
