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From the author: Article from the book “Everyday Psychology” by Eva Morozovskaya. Originally written as a response to a reader’s question. Please help. I'm afraid of ruining my happiness myself. I live with the man I have long dreamed of. But one problem is poisoning my life. I am jealous because I don’t believe in HIS love for me. I know his “exes,” which prevents me from being absolutely the only one, and he also allows himself to publicly flirt with women in front of my eyes. At the same time, he says that I am the only one and beloved. On the one hand, sometimes thoughts of breaking up come, on the other hand, there is a fear of making an irreparable mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life (not believing him). What do i do?? After all, it is impossible to get married and build relationships on mistrust. Thank you in advance for your answer... There is only one way out: to believe. Believe immediately and unconditionally. Everything and everything at once: his love for you. That you are the only one and beloved. The one that is the best. The fact that he doesn’t really need anyone but you. The fact that he is so confident in you that he is not afraid to behave naturally and nicely with other women in front of you: to look after them in small things, hand them coats and handbags, hold up a light and open doors for them. Trust that he is generous and well-mannered when he compliments another woman. Believe that no one will take it away from you, and that in his eyes you are the greatest value and treasure. In your case, believing your loved one means believing in yourself. Below I will give practical recommendations for increasing self-esteem and developing trust. Working on yourself, even for a specific order like “increasing self-confidence and the ability to trust” is a slow process, requiring time and effort. However, you are quite capable of assessing the worth and your gain if you successfully carry out this work right now. There are quite a lot of methods and ways to achieve your goal: they differ in details, but are similar in general. Many books have been written about this; they are now available in any esoteric and psychological literature store. I’ll tell you Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, Alice Night, Bob Mandel - they all write about trust and self-love coupled with confidence. These are very interconnected things. Also pay attention to the series “Your own psychologist” - sometimes very worthwhile books are published in it. And you can choose the book you like most. The criteria are as follows: 1) methods of work. 2) language of presentation. Ask the seller what he can offer to work on yourself, and look through the books given to you. The fact is that each of the books, as a rule, includes a fairly complete methodology, consisting of several stages and many exercises, so I am not able to present to you the complete methodology of at least one of the named authors - except to set the main direction. Let's start with affirmations (positive statements). A repeatedly repeated (thought) statement becomes your belief, and in order to better assimilate it, several types of memory are used: visual (reading or looking at what you have already written), auditory (reading out loud to yourself or singing), and motor (when writing or you print). The statements can be anything, depending on what you want to achieve for yourself. You can construct them yourself, based on two principles: 1) It should be a positive statement that does not contain a “not” particle or an intention to get rid of something. For example, instead of “I’m not afraid of anything,” you should write: “I know: everything will be fine.” 2) Anything you want to receive should be written in the present tense, as if you already have it. Some examples of positive statements for you: We, the name and ... (name) are an ideal couple. My love is mutual. I am the most beautiful, smart and worthy woman. I deserve happiness. I am worthy of boundless love. I cope well with all the tasks facing me. I endlessly trust my beloved. Everything that happens to me is wonderful and wonderful. Brilliant success awaits me. There are several forms of working with affirmations, the simplest
