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From the author: A new approach to the problem of finding motivation is proposed. Contrary to prevailing beliefs, the idea is substantiated that personal development and intellectual growth are possible only when a person strives to enter the Comfort Zone. What is a Comfort Zone? The goal of development of society and a specific person is to gain stability and confidence in the future. These are universal and universal values. Their achievement is perceived as presence in the Comfort Zone. And it is quite normal to strive for a state in which you feel confident and safe, psychologically protected. But! familiar conditions that do not require tension and any effort to obtain the expected result give a person a feeling of comfort and stability. As a result, motivation decreases and actions aimed at further development slow down. We can say that the “resource saving mode” is turned on. This state of equilibrium can be compared with the homeostasis of living systems. Any living system (and humans are no exception) strives for self-regulation, self-preservation and survival in the external environment. Homeostasis is the ability that allows one to maintain a constant internal state. It is important to note that in such a balanced state, development stops. Development is possible only in interaction with the environment and only outside of equilibrium. More precisely, it is in the process of restoring the balance of the system, to which it constantly strives, that its development occurs. Moreover, modern psychological concepts of constructive personality development recognize the non-adaptive nature of human life. This means that balance, as a criterion of development, is fundamentally denied. Development is possible only in conditions of contradiction. Only in this case does development ensure a constructive path for a person, an active search for meaning in a critical situation with the aim of transforming it. While adaptive behavior leads to stagnation, neuroticism, destruction of one’s creative potential and personal resources. If you want to be effective in all areas of your life, then it is not enough for you to have perfect command of the knowledge and skills you once acquired, but, above all, for you you need to be prepared to meet the unknown, to search for new information, to continuous personal and professional development. In this regard, a misconception has arisen and persists that in order to improve oneself, a person must leave the Comfort Zone and enter the Development Zone. Indeed, in psychology and coaching It is widely believed that the “Comfort Zone”, as a state of psychological security, is considered negative for personal development and gaining new life experiences. And as a necessary condition for this development, most often, negative motivation is used, and it is proposed to leave the Comfort Zone. In fact, the problem of gaining positive motivation for self-development, personal and intellectual growth is that a low level of awareness and stereotypes of thinking interfere with the perception of reality situation. Any living system, in accordance with the principle of homeostasis, strives for a state of equilibrium. The ability of a system to maintain and restore its equilibrium state, under the influence of many environmental factors, is a condition for its survival, development and evolution. And this happens continuously. Now, let's imagine what will happen if the system itself strives to upset its equilibrium? Such an intention will lead, at best, to its damage, and at worst, to destruction. It looks like masochism or suicide. Therefore, the direction of the vector of human development, like any living system, is towards comfort, and not away from it. But, it is important to understand and keep in mind that stability and comfort are not something permanent, this is not a stable state, it cannot be fixed once achieved. Any result obtained cannot exist unchanged. Comfort zone can becreate only with constant effort. This is a continuous process of production and development. This is why leaving the Comfort Zone does not require any effort. As soon as you stop its production, the Comfort Zone itself begins to disappear. Should you leave or enter? Due to the stereotype of thinking, an unconscious substitution of the concepts of “comfort” and “discomfort” occurs. Usually, a person interested in personal growth reasons like this: “In order to develop, I must leave the usual situation of the Comfort Zone into the “Development Zone”. Subjectively, this is perceived as entering the Discomfort Zone. It takes a very strong motivation to consciously and purposefully disrupt your state of comfort. Moreover, this, in principle, violates the logic of the development of a living system, which always strives for an equilibrium state and comfort. A person makes conscious attempts to get out of a familiar situation. And on an unconscious level, he encounters resistance, which is fully justified by the fear of loss of comfort. And this is already the beginning of the chain: 1) struggle of motives -> 2) intrapersonal conflict -> 3) psychosomatic disorder. And this is a big problem. Why is it necessary to artificially create a state of discomfort? If the starting point A is the Comfort Zone, then what will the end point B be called? Maybe the Super Comfort Zone, if we are lucky? What if you're unlucky? Will we remain in the Discomfort Zone? How long will this discomfort last? Will we be able to return back to the Comfort Zone after an unsuccessful journey through the Discomfort Zone? If you call the current state comfortable and stable, then why do you need to develop? You have already achieved perfection. Enjoy this state and don’t go anywhere. Which zone do you need to leave? A familiar situation, which is unconsciously perceived as a Comfort Zone, is actually a Discomfort Zone. And you need to get out of the Discomfort Zone into the Development Zone, through which you can only enter the Comfort Zone. If a person believes that he needs development, then his equilibrium state is disturbed. He is already in the Discomfort Zone, which he mistakenly considers to be the Comfort Zone. Simply because he is used to this state. Due to the formed stereotypes of thinking and behavior patterns, he does not realize that the Comfort Zone constantly eludes him and transforms into the Discomfort Zone. Due to a lack of understanding of the real situation, it is difficult for a person to force himself to change his usual behavior. In a state of low level of awareness, a logical error of perception occurs. Habitual conditions that do not require any effort give a person the illusion of comfort and stability. His motivation decreases, actions and development aimed at further progress slow down. And while a person is thinking about self-development, personal growth, how to increase his motivation to leave the Comfort Zone, he, in fact, without realizing it, finds himself deeply immersed into the Discomfort Zone. And the longer his thoughts last, the more effort will need to be spent on finding resources for self-motivation. How to deal with motivation for self-development? If you realize (your actual location) that inaction is discomfort, and the Comfort Zone can only be accessed in the process of activity . Why do you need motivation? You simply move out of this Discomfort Zone by taking certain actions. To gain motivation for action, first of all, you need to change your thinking. This will make it possible to realize that a person cannot constantly be in the Comfort Zone without taking targeted actions for this. Without doing anything, a person continuously slides into the Discomfort Zone. It is a grave mistake and delusion to consider a familiar situation of life as a comfort zone. As an example that demonstrates the process of understanding the real situation and overcoming delusion and self-deception, one can recall the phrase from Andersen’s fairy tale: “And the king has no clothes!” At that very moment, the King's Comfort Zone became his!
