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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia. At my appointment, as a sexologist and psychologist, I had a client from Moscow. She is a quite pretty brunette in her twenties. The girl was quite combative. She had enough sexual partners, but there was a problem with orgasm. If she could pleasure herself through clitoral stimulation, then there was no orgasm at all with her partner. The client would like to end her sexual problem as quickly as possible. We began to work with her. She began to remember her sexual stories. I tried, as a sex psychologist, to understand what was hidden behind all this. The first memory was the search for the “g-spot” in her past, and at the beginning of her sexual experience. who did it ineptly, painfully, and generally unpleasantly. Moreover, the environment was not conducive to sex. We removed this negative episode in life, which was the first small obstacle to achieving orgasm and contributed to the girl’s anorgasmia, and moved on. Then came the memory of a threesome in the FFM version. I believe that this is not so rare now in the practice of all experienced sexologists, psychotherapists, and family psychologists practicing sex therapy. I note that group sex, be it FFM or MMF, or some other type of sex, often does not bring the desired pleasure, and can be a source of even greater sexual problems. It was the same now. We removed all those negative memories that were associated with this sexual experience, and also contributed to the client’s anorgasmia, plus they served as additional sexual complexes and self-doubt. Next, I had a bad experience with a guy who was interested in sexual techniques. He had his own kind of hard approach, and the size of his penis was too big. This resulted in pain, and the girl lost her libido and desire to have sex for quite a long time. This continued until she fell in love. Then she had a desire to finally experience an orgasm with a man, and so she was at my appointment. After we eliminated a series of female sexual failures, and experiences that contributed to her female sexual problems, and anorgasmia, we began to analyze the current relationship of my client from Moscow. What was the problem here? – Oddly enough, the girl’s perfectionism got in the way: she did everything in the best possible way, and she became overly fixated on small details, and instead of enjoying sex with her partner, she ended up with complete super control. As one would expect, this often happens in the practice of all good sexologists, psychotherapists, and family psychologists, we found ourselves in the client’s problematic childhood, when she received this state of excessive control, these are her school years, and the desire to be the best. Now there was no particular need for such behavior. The girl had a small business that brought her income, and she didn’t have to prove anything to anyone. At the end of our psychotherapy session, we worked on the topic of minor grievances and misunderstandings in a couple. I, as a family psychologist and sexologist, told her about the different approaches of men and women, both in relationships and in sex. Now we come directly to the topic of working through sexual disharmony in a couple. I believe that at the next psychotherapeutic.
