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From the author: A short article about autism The article was written in accordance with personal practical experience, which I can translate into some kind of description. Psychopathology or signs. Withdrawal from contact with other people ... at the reception, a boy, 6 years old , during the consultation, constantly turns away, continuing to talk, does not maintain eye contact. (autistic traits) Impaired self-care; it is difficult for a child to carry out and repeat after adults or is practically impossible, those elementary principles of self-care. Difficulties in behavior when leaving usual activities, from that stereotypical and safe “rut”, up to aggression. Delayed speech, delayed writing skills. IMPORTANT!!! The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor and relatives are not competent in the field of psychiatry. Examination by a pediatric neurologist (various instrumental examinations). Child psychiatrist (study of the child’s psyche) Psychotherapist, psychological diagnosis of the child and family. Other somatic specialists. At what age is the diagnosis made? From the age of 3 it is already possible to undergo an examination by a child psychiatrist. Mother of an autistic child Tends to “absorb” the child in the psychological sense of the word, prone to overprotective, anxious, entering into a symbiotic relationship with the child. Dad of an autistic child Detached, helping with deeds, but not with an emotional contribution to helping and raising the child. Methods of treatment Psychiatric treatment ABA therapy Family psychotherapy Canis therapy M.S. Palazzoli “Paradox and Counter-Paradox” The authors of this book describe a case when a family with an autistic child approached them. The behavior of an 11-year-old boy became autistic after the death of his grandfather, who lived with them. After a visit from his mother’s relative, the boy stopped not only communicating with children and strangers, but also stopping going to school and doing his homework. At the reception he behaved like a little old man. He moved like an old man, used archaisms in his speech and behaved like a tired and wise man who had experienced and experienced everything in this life. Let us consider this case from the point of view of the interaction of the laws of homeostasis and development. The grandfather dies, the structure of the family changes - from extended it becomes nuclear. The child is approaching adolescence, when the main goal of his individual development is to leave the family, make friends, expand his life experience and overcome an identity crisis. All this is the work of the law of development. At the same time, it is clear that while the grandfather was alive, he performed certain psychological functions in the family. What happened to these functions after his death? The law of homeostasis ensured that these functions were preserved, since they were probably very important to this family. A boy became their bearer: he settled down at home, began to look like an old man, and spoke like a man of the last century. The dysfunction in this case was that the family system was unable to move to another stage of its life cycle, having lost one of its elements (grandfather); the law of homeostasis prevailed. The price of victory is the child’s mental health: the system has not changed, only the boy got sick. Why was the grandfather needed, what functions did he perform in the system? System diagnostics showed that the grandfather stabilized his daughter’s marriage, controlling her aggression and increasing the status of his son-in-law. In fact, the grandfather ensured the safety of the family.
