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From the author: This article was published here: At one of the consultations, the question arose: Is it worth transferring friendships from one reality to another? Due to the age of information technology, the Internet has taken up more space in people's lives than ever before. People communicate more and more every day. Someone comes home and, without having time to wash their hands, turns on the laptop and starts answering... Someone, having come home with groceries in the hope of eating, begins to receive messages and also write a response, after a few hours realizing that the bag with groceries is still empty. standing at the doorstep... A lot of virtual dating has appeared. We can convey those emotions that we cannot express to our family and friends. Behind the monitor screen, it would seem that every time they will support, understand, let you cry, and recommend something. Essentially the same pillow, but with answers and advice. Yes, and we behave the same way towards the same person: we listen, we understand, and so on. All this is really important. Sometimes it’s so important that you want to see the person on the other side of the screen, hug, kiss... Emotions... And then a silent question arises: “Is it worth translating such already well-established friendly virtual relationships into reality?” Yes and no. I will say that everything is relative. If there is a real impulse to meet for a cup of tea or coffee, then you should not stop it. Follow this impulse. If you feel discomfort in your body, as if someone is telling you: “it’s not worth it,” then wait, think, maybe it’s really not worth it? Why did I have this question? There is an opinion that if everything is comfortable online, then you shouldn’t mix it up. Communicate and communicate for your health. There is also an opinion that after you meet a person face to face, he will become even closer. I think both of these options have their place, since we are all as different as we are the same. Just feel yourself, your body, it won’t deceive you. It will always tell you the truth like no one else. Perhaps, if the body stopped you the first time, then next time it will not resist... Ekaterina Zavarukhina
