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Aggression in teenagers. Aggression in teenagers is one of the most typical manifestations of the teenage crisis. Often parents are at a loss when faced with teenage aggression, and all their attempts to stop aggressive behavior only inflame the child even more. What to do if your child begins to behave aggressively? First of all, you need to calm down. Teenage aggression is an extremely unpleasant, but at the same time natural and natural phenomenon. It’s not for nothing that adolescence is called transitional age: during this period, a child moves from childhood to adulthood, and this, you see, is not easy. Adolescent aggression is a sign of internal discomfort and inability to control one’s emotions. Adolescent aggression can be expressed in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the child’s character and family relationships. In what main forms is adolescent aggression expressed? Physical aggression: a teenager uses physical force against other people. Verbal aggression: a teenager expresses his negative feelings through words, threats, shouting, etc. Irritability: a teenager is rude at the slightest provocation, becomes harsh and hot-tempered. Suspiciousness: the teenager has a negative attitude towards others, does not trust them, believing that “everyone is against him”. Indirect aggression: the teenager tries to express his aggression directed at someone specific through other people (evil jokes, gossip, bullying). Resentment: a teenager can be offended at the slightest reason, and the resentment can be directed at a specific person (peer or adult) or “at the whole world.” Passive-aggressive behavior (hidden aggression): a teenager does not do what is asked, or does things too slowly, forgets about requests and instructions, and delays time. It is impossible to completely avoid teenage aggression: adolescence is a time of not only psychological, but also physiological changes in the body. Aggression in adolescents is largely due to puberty, and there is no escape from hormones. The task of parents is to reduce manifestations of teenage aggression to a minimum so that the child does not harm himself or others. How to deal with manifestations of adolescent aggression? Unfortunately, not all conventional methods of dealing with childhood aggression are effective in this case. Children's aggression finds a way out mainly in the family: a small child simply has no other environment. Adolescent aggression is directed not only at family members, but also at peers, and even at “strangers” adults (for example, teachers). The first rule for suppressing adolescent aggression is not to show aggression yourself. Instead of calming the child, parental aggression often causes a “snowball” effect, only making the situation worse. So pull yourself together. By the way, the same applies to manifestations of aggression towards other family members: if a teenager sees that his parents are fighting, he can take an example from them: you can, but why can’t I? Try to develop an optimal parenting style (if for some reason you haven't done this before). Equally bad are the authoritarian style (excessively rigid, not taking into account the child’s opinion and desires), and the permissive style (when parents, roughly speaking, do not care about the child and he grows on his own), and inconsistent (parents impose prohibitions and then forget about them, make promises to the child, but do not keep them). The optimal parenting style is receptive: despite the fact that adults make the final decisions, they take into account the child’s opinions and desires. If parents impose prohibitions, then they are understandable to the child (no “No, because I said so!”). Teenage aggression can be directed in a different direction. Sometimes sports and creativity help transform manifestations of aggression into socially acceptable forms of behavior. In addition, self-expression through hobbies, victories and achievements can help a child get rid of internal discomfort and dissatisfaction with himself, thus eliminating the root cause of aggression. It should also be taken into account that aggressiveness in children and!
