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Dimka I haven’t been on the site for a long time... A lot of things have piled up - studying, working, including on myself... I went to a colleague for supervision, and it turned out to be deep psychotherapy - the study of my family scenarios and, in connection with this, the manifestations fears and unfinished gestalts. So what? Psychologists are people too, and if we work with people, this does not mean that we have sorted ourselves out forever. As my art therapy teacher said, “If you have completed a serious course of psychotherapy and it seems to you that now you will only help others, then you are greatly mistaken. This is now forever - you just have to start, and that’s it - new layers will constantly open up that will have to be worked through... And it’s true. I was convinced of this from personal experience... As they say: “The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans”))... The more we work on ourselves, the more often the need to understand ourselves again appears. Especially in our difficult times. When, against the backdrop of what is happening, many family and personal stories associated with fear intensify. First of all, with the fear of death. After all, there were so many of these fears in each of our families - the Civil War, the Revolution, the First and Second World Wars, dispossession, hunger... You can’t list everything... And all of this is deposited in the ancestral memory and affects our lives. It wants to be manifested, consciously, released... Life opens up like a bud not only in joy, but also in experiences. And now the time comes, time X, when these sufferings - embedded in the genetic memory of several generations - begin to knock on our hearts and ask on resolving internal conflicts. So that flowers bloom again, children are born again and the sky is blue and peaceful again... It turns out that what is happening now can also be perceived as a reason for serious transformation and liberation for a new life... And such work on oneself requires considerable strength. Sometimes, after deep work with yourself and with your family, you just need to be alone, let the processes complete, integrate in your mind and body, relax... That’s why I haven’t written for a long time... I was (and am) in a process that sometimes leaves no free time. And Then one day, when I felt that I was very tired, and it seemed that my energy was almost zero, Elena Denisenko-Bravitskaya called: “Do you want to go to Dimka in two days?” Do you remember that we once talked about this, and you promised? I listened to the response in my soul and immediately answered “yes.” Although my head then began to twist its way: “How are you going to go, because you already have so little strength? Isn’t it hard to communicate with such unhappy people? It would be better if you took care of yourself,” etc. But I no longer listened to these “arguments.” I just knew that I wanted to go... That day I stopped by Lena’s house to hit the road together. And when she entered the apartment, she was amazed - Lena had collected so many things for Dimka that, of course, it would have been difficult for her to bring them alone. There were also children's toys - a large beautiful transforming car, a multi-colored machine gun, a typewriter, huge bags of clothes collected not in one month, packages with delicious food and fruits... We took it all and hit the road.... When we entered the PND, the first thing that caught our eye was the persistent hospital smell... It became clear that energies do not “live” here simple, and I immediately thought - what about those who stay here constantly, how do they tolerate it? Right there, in the courtyard and in the corridor, people were sitting in gurneys or whoever could, walking in the Sun - in this department everyone had congenital cerebral palsy. Some of them extended their hands to us and joyfully offered to show us the way or just wanted to touch our hands and clothes. And an old memory came to my mind - I was at a summer camp, and now an actress mother came in the company of colleagues to visit her children and perform a play for them. It was both joyful and sad - because I really wanted to go to a big adult world, where mom and dad are nearby, but you can’t, you had to stay... So do they... We took the elevator and found the right room. I had never been to such places before and was afraid that it would be very difficult for me. But surprisingly -.
