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I didn’t want to participate in this discussion at all. Some kind of theater of the absurd! According to statistics, many more people die from tuberculosis, heart attacks and strokes every day 24/7, but no one thought of making a pandemic out of this, although the permissible norms have been exceeded. THIS IS EXACTLY SOME kind of INFORMATION VIRUS!!! AND THIS IS VERY MUCH STRONGLY NEEDED!!!As Vladimir Vladimirovich, who Mayakovsky, wrote: “Listen! After all, if the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? Does that mean someone wants them to exist?” I can’t wait to find out WHO? I wouldn’t be surprised , if suddenly someone soon has serum against this virus and a vaccination for prevention. Most likely, this will be the customer and/or perpetrator of this virus and panic. I will give only 3 arguments in favor of the artificiality of the situation: 1. Even the media, which are more or less adequate, have already begun to understand and have heard criticism that they are greatly contributing to fanning panic and the collapse of the economy. Just the other day on the RBC channel, the hosts just raised this question - about the influence of the media on the collapse of quotes on stock exchanges.2. Investment holding Finam: “The coronavirus problem, neither in its scale nor in its danger to life, does not correspond to the forecasts for the deterioration of the situation in the global economy that would be a consequence of this disease. The actions of regulators look like an artificial curb on demand.” 03/17/20203. I recently read the book “Antifragile” by Nassim Taleb, in which the author reflects on fragility, antifragility and invulnerability. The disappointing conclusion is that in modern society there is more and more artificially created fragility, and at the level of large systems (state, etc.). I will give a quote that, in my opinion, is very suitable for the current situation: “In short, a fragility-maker (one who makes plans in medicine, economics, social life) is a person who forces you to become part of completely artificial decisions and actions, when the benefits are small and visible, and the side effects are potentially huge and invisible. The fragile doctor overdoes the intervention, denies the body's natural ability to heal itself, and prescribes you medications that can have dangerous side effects; a fragile politician (a supporter of intervention and social planning) confuses the economy with a washing machine, which constantly needs to be repaired (and it is he who must repair it), and in the end breaks it; a frail psychiatrist pumps drugs into children in order to “improve” their intellectual and emotional lives; the frail parent overdoes it with care; the fragile financier convinces us to use “risk” models that destroy the banking system (after which he uses the same models again and again); the fragile military man unbalances complex systems; the fragile predictor inclines you to risky behavior; the list goes on."!!! In no case do I want to somehow offend those who are sick!!! I myself was fully ill with the usual seasonal flu from January 2 to January 21 of this year - with a temperature above 39 degrees and a complication in the form of pneumonia. This is tough - the high temperature twists the joints, like from torture in the Middle Ages; The cough is such that it’s scary that the lungs will jump out of the body. But nothing - the body coped! But what is happening now is some kind of mass psychosis! It is important to maintain calm and common sense, physical and mental health and balance. And governments and regulators should introduce an emergency regime in the financial sector - suspend trading in the event of a fall in quotes by more than 10%, as was done at the end of 2008, in order to prevent panic and ruin. And whoever has free cash, instead of three televisions, as was the case in 2014 due to the devaluation of the ruble, buy shares that have fallen in price. The minimum amount for investment is from 1000 rubles, this is the face value of 1 bond. I use the FinamTrade mobile application. Anyway, I sit on the phone for half a day - I can buy shares at the same time. ))Today 03/17/2020 the minimum purchase cost me only!
