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Emotions are an important part of our lives, they help us understand the world around us and respond to events. Therefore, in order to build healthy relationships with yourself and other people, it is very important to satisfy your basic emotional needs. What happens if this does not happen? One of the basic emotional needs is the need for recognition and respect. When our feelings are not acknowledged and respected, we feel unappreciated or completely worthless. For example, if your partner does not acknowledge your opinions or does not respect your feelings, this can lead to conflict. Another basic emotional need is the need for acceptance and understanding. When we feel like we are not understood or accepted for who we are, it leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation. For example, if your friend constantly criticizes your decisions or life choices, this naturally leads to feelings of disappointment. The third basic emotional need is the need for support. When we experience difficulties and do not receive support, it leads to despair and a feeling of helplessness. For example, if your co-worker does not support you in a difficult situation at work, this increases stress and tension. Research has shown that unmet basic emotional needs is associated with lower self-esteem and increased levels of anxiety and depression. An example of such a situation would be a relationship in a couple in which one of the partners does not receive enough attention and support from the other. This leads to feelings of loneliness and inferiority, which in turn provokes relationship problems and even breakups. If these problems are not addressed in a timely manner, they lead to long-term stress and possible psychological problems in the future. Satisfaction of basic emotional needs is an important factor for our psychological well-being. Failure to meet these needs leads to various psychological problems such as depression, anxiety or relationship conflicts. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this, seek support and understanding from loved ones, as well as show respect and acknowledge the feelings of other people. You can find out more or sign up for a consultation through a personal message on the website or by calling +7 917 0186 234 (WhatsApp or Telegram)
