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From the author: One of the great tragedies of humanity is that people do not know what they are called for, what their gift is, what is the essence of their Life Project on Earth. A project can be called God's gift, a talent that a person possesses and is born for its implementation and manifestation in this physical world. Many problems, if not all, are due to the fact that a person does not know what to do with himself and, as a rule, begins to become frustrated, which in turn turns into negative psychology aimed at destroying someone or something. That is why it is important to understand what a Project is, and perhaps this will solve many of the difficulties of humanity. One of the great tragedies of humanity is that people do not know what they are called for, what their gift is, what is the essence of their Life Project on Earth . A project can be called God's gift, a talent that a person possesses and is born for its implementation and manifestation in this physical world. Many problems, if not all, are due to the fact that a person does not know what to do with himself and, as a rule, begins to become frustrated, which in turn turns into negative psychology aimed at destroying someone or something. That is why it is important to understand what the Project is, and perhaps this will solve many of the difficulties of humanity. When a person realizes his Project, he begins to create, create, and self-realize. Another figure in humanitarian psychology, Abraham Maslow, identified self-realization as the main motivational component. A person who has united with his Project begins to truly and consciously live and enjoy everything that happens to him, since at this time our real, original “I” is activated and begins to live by the laws of God, Existence. And what could be better and more fruitful than living in the Primary Source and understanding what is required of us Here and Now. This is living in the present, because the past is forgotten, the future is hidden, only the present is given. Don’t regret what happened, don’t worry about what will happen, live in the present. The project manifests itself only in the present. So, it is important to realize your Life Project and then enjoy its implementation in the present. Let's now figure out how to understand your Project. To do this, we need to consider where it comes from and what it gives us. Let's look at our pyramid, but only from bottom to top. Conscious. World of Consequences Level 13. Environment. Ask yourself, is your environment developing you or not? If you are in the Project, then everything and everyone around you will be aimed at development. If not, then you are still far from your Project. Look for an environment where you will feel good and you will grow. Otherwise, your environment will preserve you in your development, and you will regret the years spent aimlessly. If you want to really develop, you need to be in the company of people who are constantly developing, creating and becoming more. The main thing here is not to fall for the myth and misconception that you will change your environment. You will never succeed, rather they will adjust you to themselves, there are more of them and they are stronger. It is also important to remember that no one can ever change someone. If your environment doesn't want to change, you are powerless. Change is possible when a person himself desires it and is ready to make efforts on himself. Level 12. Efficiency. Here you determine what you want in life (health, love, money, material wealth...). Ask yourself whether you have what you want or why it's taking you so long to get it. There is only one answer, you haven’t gotten into your Project yet, that’s why you don’t have it, or the process of getting it has been delayed. As your effectiveness increases, so will your environment. Be prepared for this sometimes painful process; breaking up is never easy, but it is simply necessary to achieve effectiveness. Level 11. Effectiveness. In order for us to achieve efficiency and change our environment, it is necessary to achieve results over and over again, that is, to be effective, otherwise, to have fame, success, money and practically everything elseimpossible. Therefore, our task is to strive for real results, which should also bring joy and pleasure. If you don't feel pleasure, then you are deviating from the Project. Level 10. Actions. What are the results without action? Actions are one of the most important in achieving happiness and implementing the Project. But actions must be clear, clear and targeted, otherwise it will be IBD (imitation of violent actions). By the way, thinking, dreaming, imagining are also full-fledged actions, however, they must be realized outside your head, in the real world. Only by taking actions can we be effective and therefore effective, and have everything we want and get pleasure from it and be happy. Level 11. Planning. But what are actions without proper planning. Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. As you plan, so will you carry out. Unfortunately, people are taught how to plan actions at work, but few people teach how to plan their personal lives, taking into account the Life Project. Few people ask themselves questions, who will they be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 and 15? Few people plan their financial side of life, professional and creative side of life. But plans today are reality tomorrow. No plans today, no desired future tomorrow. Yes, the future will come, whether we want it or not. But the question is, will it be the way we want to see and have it? The answer is definitely no. Rather, our future will be shaped by other people and different circumstances and certainly not in our best interests. It is plans that determine what our actions will be, whether we will be effective and efficient. I hope we understand how important plans are, so let's look at what our planning entails. Level 8. Strategy. Victory is achieved when there is a well thought out strategy in life. Strategy is the path that will lead us to the right actions, give good results, and we will be effective. By changing our development strategy, we will definitely change our plans, actions, effectiveness, efficiency and environment. In life, there can be several strategies for different aspects of our multifaceted lives. Choosing the right strategies largely determines the outcome of the case. In wartime, strategies are either victory or defeat and death. Also in life. Strategies are born from well-thought-out goals. Level 7. Goal. To formulate the right strategy, you need a clear and distinct goal or goals. A competent goal must meet the criteria SMART+PEE Specific, clear - SpecificMeasurableAchievable - AchievableReal, resourceful - Realistic, ResourcefulTime-bound - Time-bound Positive - Positive (do not run from... but strive to...) Eco-friendly - Ecology (do not steal, do not lie, do not violate...) Environment - Environment (surroundings, loved ones should support your goals) Example: by December 31, 2010, have a net income of $ 15,000. All goals come from the dream of a big and cherished dream. It is important to remember that you cannot have multiple dreams. There is only one dream. The main thing is not to confuse it with goals. If you are interested in the question, how many goals should there be? I answer, as much as is necessary to realize your dream. Level 6. Dream. Many people have goals, but no dreams, although this is not logical, since goals follow from dreams. A dream is the highest level and a dream consists of goals. And if you have goals, but no dreams, then ask yourself the question, where did these goals come from? If you still don’t have a dream, then it’s sad. But today everything can change. After completing the article, be sure to think about your big and cherished dream. Questions and working with your values ​​will help you formulate your dreams. Answer these questions: You think about it all the time You get great pleasure thinking about it When you do this, you don’t look at the money, you are amused and fascinated by the process itself You want to talk to everyone about it You are reading books, watch movies only about thisYour free time youready to devote only to this You freely give money to get at least a piece of this You go to bed thinking about it and wake up[/ul] Collect all the answers together and you will see something in common in them. It is from this common ground that your dream should be born. Level 5 Beliefs. Beliefs are stored in our head. Beliefs are always in the past. Beliefs are something that makes us successful in everything or a failure in everything. Beliefs can be functional or dysfunctional for us. Beliefs shape our environment, which is why it is very important to choose the right environment, whose beliefs are aimed at development, growth, creation, creation. If your environment doesn’t create anything, they just cry and live with the belief that you can’t earn all the money, that the main thing is to get a good education and get a job, that the rich are bad uncles and aunts, that you need to grab everything in this life, so others will do it... then you're in big trouble. And until you change your environment, you should forget about success. And if you think that you can handle this and you will convince them and that there is no need to change anyone, then you are already in a deep wrong CONVINCTION. You will never change anyone until people want to change, and people don’t want to change. The only way out is to leave the environment, or if it is still very difficult not to listen to their advice. Level 4 Values. Values ​​are what comes from the heart, this is what makes us excited. Values ​​are focused on the future. Values ​​are like a nuclear reactor that produces megatons of energy to accomplish great things. It is values ​​that give strength to achieve and not give up. Values ​​are what shape our dreams, goals, plans and strategies. Values ​​are what drives us to victories, results, and effectiveness. If you have not identified, understood and connected to your values, this can be a major component of your failure, failure, and failure. Conversely, when you connect with your values, you will no longer be held back, you will fly like a rocket in the direction of your dreams. Until now, up to level 4, we were in the world of consequences, the visible and understandable world, the manifested world. Everything that I described above is the levels of consciousness and understanding. Next there will be levels of the unconscious, unmanifested, and often incomprehensible. Unfortunately, people, even those who understand and are conscious of levels 13 to 4, also do not understand and do not even think about them. It’s strange, we think about everything and everyone, but not about ourselves. At work we plan and coordinate several projects, but no one even thinks about their Life Project and everyone quietly suffers and weeps in life, in a handkerchief, saying “how bad everything is”, “I’m unhappy”, “I’m miserable” , “those are to blame...”, “the problem is...” Unconscious. World of Reasons. Level 3 Intuition. Intuition or sixth sense, scientists are still puzzling over what it is. Why is it highly developed in some and not in others? Why is it more pronounced in women than in men? Do businessmen have more of it, do workers have less of it? Intuition is what stands on the border between the World of Causes and the World of Effects. We must be friends with intuition, since it is she who can tell us what is our Life Project, Talent, Gift, which we should realize, fulfilling the calling from God and finding happiness and pleasure throughout its implementation. Intuition grows from difficulties, and the more there are and the steeper they are, the greater the intuition. Therefore, we must love difficulties, because everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. And intuition feeds on luxury, and this is the answer to why women and rich businessmen have a lot of it and it is well developed. In particular, intuition helps businessmen to correctly decide on the idea of ​​a new business, conclude profitable contracts, and choose reliable business partners. And collapse comes when entrepreneurs do not listen to their intuition, relying on their reason and beliefs. And beliefs, as you remember, are in the past, and contracts are a matter of the future, here is the mistake that costs the businessman
