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From the author: We don’t need this kind of football! Admit it, do you experience Internet “withdrawal” in the morning? When you wake up, the first thing you do is without getting out of bed and, sorry, the toilet - do you check the messages you received and the likes you received? Congratulations! You completely voluntarily became a “slave of the 21st century.” There are millions of such “slaves” (or billions around the world)? Yesterday I conducted a small research among my readers (asked who uses what brand of phone). It turned out that there are quite a few push-button mobile phones. Many people use smartphones, turning them into their portable (mobile) office. But the question arises - who is using whom? Are you your gadget, or has the gadget made you its slave? Look at this situation from the outside. You “feed” your smartphone (phone, tablet, etc.) with electricity, carry a charger with you everywhere and constantly worry about how your loved one “Tamagotchi” did not die of hunger. You spend every free second NOT on yourself (but on whom?). To the one who tamed you and trained you like a wild animal! We are afraid to admit to ourselves that the meaning of life has gone into virtual space. It reaches the point of absurdity! A selfie from a walk is more important than the walk/communication/nature itself. If no one sees us running around in the morning, this means that we don’t run! A healthy lifestyle has turned into banal boasting and posting retouched photographs of proper food, sportswear, planks and changing rooms in fitness... Why did I start this whole conversation? I’m not against gadgets. Moreover, I will be frank with you, I myself really like your likes to my articles (by the way, click on “Thank you” at the bottom of the article, I will be pleased). I am against the idea that a working tool becomes the meaning of a person’s existence. A gadget for a person, or gadget man? (It looks like some kind of “Matrix” - a person has turned into a real “walking” battery for his phone!). I am against carrying the office (and the Internet) with me. Work should be work, it should be left in the office - along with work problems. I don’t like that virtual life replaces life itself. I am amazed by the low efficiency and productivity of gadget-maniacs. We don’t need this kind of football! What do I offer? My social networks and online correspondence is conducted by my personal assistant (I pay him money for freeing up invaluable time for me to live and experience the taste of life) I think about work during specially designated working hours (and no one has the right to “pull” me out from my personal private time-space) I don’t carry gadgets with me (only a push-button telephone). At the same time, I am a very famous person on the Internet (in my niche - personal finance). My books are sold in all bookstores. More than 1,000 of my videos are running on my YouTube channel. PS Constant distractions from incoming messages make you a bad professional (which completely deprives you of hope for a significant increase in income) Morbid dependence on gadgets, likes, selfies, etc. makes you a “slave” and chains you with invisible shackles to the Internet galleys. Put everything back to its place! Make your gadget work for you. Throw off the shackles of the virtual world! Workers of all countries, unite! And enjoy life itself, and not the likes you receive. Or do you like being a slave? PPS Made a selection of books on personal finance - they will help you “make friends” with your money and throw off the shackles of office slavery!
