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Every day we absorb a large amount of information. The alarming background is growing, and we can transfer it to ourselves. There is a lot going on in the world that scares us. Naturally, we don't want this to happen to us. Therefore, we may be scared that someday this may still happen, even if the probability of this is small. For example, someone might have the idea that because other people go to prison, so can he/she. Is it possible? Theoretically, anything can happen. What is the probability that this particular person will go to prison? We can roughly calculate it based on a person’s specific life situation, his individual characteristics and lifestyle. Even if from a rational point of view the probability is minimal, a person can seize on a risk of 1% out of 100 and repeat this thought several times a day every day. What could this lead to? To the point that a person will drive himself into a vicious circle of anxiety. One day this may even result in a one-time panic attack or panic disorder. What is a person likely to do when faced with the fear of going to prison? 1. Throughout the day, he thinks about what could happen to him and how he could end up in prison. 2. Persuades himself not to think about it, switches his attention to social networks and entertaining videos. 3. Finds news that someone has gone to jail. 4. Reads stories about how scary it is to go to prison. What can you do differently? 1. Choose a time to dive deep into this fear once a day. 2. The rest of the time, do your own business.3. Be aware of your thoughts about fear, but do not connect to them if the appointed time has not yet come to be properly afraid. 4. Study information about prisons and stories about people who passed this test and came out of prison with important realizations. For example, you can read Viktor Frankl’s book “Say YES to Life!” What associations do you have when you read about the fear of going to prison? If fear limits your life, come to me for a consultation. Together we will find a way out. Make an appointment by phone +79161500330
