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From the author: Do you want to give up everything? Is your relationship falling apart at the seams? Don't rush to run away. There are ways to fix everything... The more I work with women, the more I understand that an idea lives in our hearts, and lives very deeply, that the main thing is to meet Him, the one and only. That's all. Then, like in a fairy tale: they lived happily ever after and died on the same day. And when in real life, after He appeared and, perhaps, the wedding died down, suddenly a void gradually appears... He is not the same, the fairy tale does not come, in The happy ending is also somehow hard to believe. The further you go, the less. What is happening? In my opinion, somewhere deep down there lives the idea that everything should happen by itself. However, it is worth noting that relationships are work. It’s like planting a garden. It's not enough to just shove everything into the ground. You plant seeds, water, loosen the soil. When weeds appear, fly away. You bend your back, you get tired, but you continue to care. Sometimes you worry that there is too much sun and it can burn your plants. You are angry at the birds that fly in without asking and peck at the berries and apples that, by the way, you grew! And you rejoice like a child at every flower, every berry, every fruit that appears! And you want to plant something again and again. It’s the same in relationships. You work hard so that the relationship is successful, so that it blooms magnificently. You protect them from the winds and saturate them with your love. And if your work is diligent, then the fruits will definitely appear. Delicious. Sweet. Close and deep. How to work? Where should you focus your attention? From my point of view, first of all, on myself. It is easy to blame everyone and everything for your failures. It’s easier to say that your husband did not live up to your expectations, and that if He..., then you... Taking care of yourself and your relationship is not his task. Yours. If you feel that you need strength to build your marriage, then find the opportunity to create around you, in your life, something that will nourish you. Think about what fills you with energy? What makes you happy? Let these events into your life. Organize it so that you have time and conditions. Do everything to maintain your health: sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity. Let there be time for yourself. You will be happy, healthy, fulfilled, your environment will feel complete around you. If you are happy, then this is the main thing that creates the atmosphere around you. Happiness, like a virus, spreads around and next to you it feels good, calm, cozy. Learn to say directly what you want, what is important to you. This leads to clarity in relationships and your expectations are more often realized. This is nice. The second step on the path to your personal happiness is to get to know your Inner Man. By looking inside yourself, it will be easier for you to understand what “works” in your relationship and what doesn’t. Often it is our own internal conflicts that become a stumbling block on the path to happiness."My client once, during a session, discovered her Inner Man living under the stairs leading to the second floor of a large luxurious house that he himself built. Then it dawned on her , that her husband, who invests a lot in their union, lives at home like a bird. What made this woman behave this way? Fear that she would be rejected by her father. And she subconsciously decided for herself that. I need to keep everything under control. In reality, control led to this situation. I think that if she had not started looking for an answer to the question of what prevents her from being happy with financial well-being, I think that sooner or later the man would not have been able to stand it and rejected her. After such work. The war with her husband ended, the misunderstanding went away and the woman’s level of complaints against him decreased. After that, such an amount of love and respect burst out to her husband. As a result, the relationship reached a new level of love and harmony in the couple. Often all our problems and conflicts are in one place! life is a reflection of the conflicts that live inside. Their search and solution change our reality.?»
