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Today I will give several examples of children's dreams, nightmares, from my practice, and what they can talk about. So: 1. Girl, 12 years old: A huge bull was rushing towards me, I hid behind a thin birch tree, there was nothing else, he was approaching and I realized that the birch tree would not save me, and I ran as hard as I could. When I finally ran to my house, the bull was waiting for me at the gate and rushed at me. I woke up. Second dream, from the same girl: I go out into the yard, and there is this huge bull, I want to open the door, but it doesn’t open, I ran into a small garden to get into the house on the other side, but the bull was already there. I woke up.2. Girl, 14 years old. Someone unknown is chasing me, I scream and call for help, but no one hears, I run into the house and start calling every apartment, but no one opened it, it was terrible, then I woke up.3 . Boy, 11 years old Aliens have descended on the earth from all sides, chasing people, grabbing them and killing them. I hid in the basement. All these dreams speak of fear of violence, sudden impact, inevitability of punishment, lack of support, unreliability of the immediate environment, feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and despair. Such dreams can also reflect a traumatic relationship with parents.4. Girl, 8 years old I run after my mother to the bus stop to leave with her, but when I came running, the bus had already left. This dream reflects the fear of loneliness, separation from parents, the need for mother’s care, lack of emotional intimacy.5. Boy, 17 years old: A huge fighter plane takes off from the house, it gains altitude, but a strong wind interferes with it and it falls back onto the house. Inability to get out of traumatic family relationships, dependence on parents. Any endeavors of a young man are suppressed and devalued by his father. Lack of support from the immediate environment. The childhood dreams and nightmares discussed above (repeated, do not compare with single nightmares from a computer game, overexcitation, etc.) indicate the presence of emotional anxiety and nervous disorders. Such dreams are caused by a feeling of insecurity, uncertainty and instability, tense relationships between parents , divorce, very strict upbringing, cruel treatment (they snap at the child, raise their voice, beat), lack of emotional intimacy with loved ones, punishment, stress. Lack of communication with peers, lack of necessary psychological support from friends. Inconsistency and contradiction in upbringing, which gives rise to anxiety from not knowing what to expect tomorrow. The demands placed on the child are too high, personal interests are not taken into account, and in difficult times they criticize and punish. What to do? How to help your child get rid of nightmares?1. Establish a clear daily and rest routine. The child should go to bed at the same time. Be sure to sit with him before bed, pet him, tell him a good story with a happy ending, preferably one you come up with yourself, the main characters of which will be similar to your child.2. Reconsider your parenting style. Perhaps you are too hot-tempered, cruel, uncompromising.3. Establish an atmosphere in the family: between parents and between children. Important: even if you swear among yourself, or at your children, you must show that the family and relationships do not fall apart because of this. Learn to put up with yourself and your children. In the evening, everyone wishes each other good night, hugs, kisses, talks about love and the value of each family member.4. During the day, invite your child to discuss his bad dream and draw, to throw out negative emotions through creativity. This drawing can then be torn into small pieces. With this action, the child will understand that the nightmare is over. Or turn scary into funny - this will relieve tension and relax. If a child has nightmares every day, if there are symptoms of neurosis (enuresis, obsessive movements, nervous tics, stuttering, twitching of shoulders, lips, legs, loss of appetite, tearfulness, uncontrollable habit of counting steps ( windows, pillars, etc.), in adolescents depression and desire.
