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From the author: The period of August 30, 2012 to February 18, 2014 can rightfully be called increased karmic complexity. This article is about what causes the problems, how they manifest themselves in the life of each person, who is affected more, and how best to solve them. After all, those who are warned will be able to prepare, use the necessary resources and set themselves up for victory. In this half of the year, questions often arise about the causes of the difficulties that haunt people. Many would agree that over the past 6 months to a year the problems have become more noticeable. There is an astrological justification for the difficulties of the period and recommendations for overcoming them, which I bring to your attention. This information will help you survive a difficult karmic period of increased trials. After all, the one who is warned is prepared for difficulties and will be able to react to them more adequately. With regard to astrology and karma, it does not matter at all whether a person believes in it. It's like the law of gravity: whether we know about it or not, it acts and manifests itself in our lives. It is useful to study and implement karmic laws, and learn to use astrology to improve your life. The effect of planets on us can be schematically explained by the influence of the energy field that they create. Each person creates a certain radiation with his thoughts and emotions. All our karmic experience is recorded in our energy-information field - the aura. This is a kind of hologram that captures the experience of our soul. All our traumas, deep experiences and suffering create darkenings on our aura - energy blocks or energy-informational masses. The luminaries and planets create a force field that activates certain sectors and entries in our aura. Activation of events occurs during new moons, full moons and eclipses. For example, the aura contains a block associated with experienced and not accepted pain, suffering due to betrayal or betrayal; on the new moon this energy-informational mass is activated and events occur in accordance with it. Their goal is to gain the necessary experience, search for a new solution to a traumatic situation, and develop certain qualities. Since the trajectory of the planetary movement is known, we can predict the nature of possible events, and by the characteristics of the influence of the planets we can determine what problems will arise, who they will affect and how they need to be solved For all people, the period until February 18, 2014 will be quite difficult, associated with a crisis in some area of ​​life. The crisis will be greater or less, but it will affect every person. This is indicated by the Ascending Lunar Node, which has been moving since August 30, 2012 through the sign of Scorpio - death, extreme situations, military conflicts, natural disasters, magic, occultism, inheritance, real estate and big/partner money. Analysis of historical events shows that many revolutions , wars and disasters occurred during the passage of the Nodes through the sign of Scorpio. If we conduct a statistical analysis, then during this period the mortality rate and the number of natural disasters will be higher. This is the time when you can either go broke or get rich, solve your real estate problems or make them worse. Many will face death while surrounded. In the period from August 30, 2012 to February 18, 2014, the tactical karmic task for each person will be to go through a crisis, the goal of which is transformation and reaching a new qualitative level. The sphere of crisis is determined by the house of the natal chart, which includes the sign of Scorpio and the transit of the Ascending node. The ascending node, with which the worked out program is connected, goes through the sign of Taurus. Therefore, you should not try to maintain and maintain stability; the task of the current stage is to change and accept changes. It is important to reconsider your attitude towards values ​​and what is truly valuable. Thus, during this period, life events will push each person towards personal changes; everything that has become obsolete will leave or be taken away. With the signScorpio is associated with increased trials, since Saturn, the planet of karmic complexities and difficulties, moves through it. Saturn can create problems in the areas of: career, social status and status, construction, and corporate business. Saturn creates delays, delays, obstacles and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, which must be persistently addressed. It forces you to rationally use resources, choose priorities, show perseverance and hard work. During this period, financial restrictions, problems with work, restrictions in sexual relations, as well as health problems that can pose a threat to life may arise. Increased caution is required during this period when deciding on the issue of surgery. To reduce risks, it is recommended to double-check the need for surgery with various specialists and select a favorable date. In the area of ​​health, Saturn creates problems with the spine, teeth and bones, and is also associated with the formation of stones. In the sign of Scorpio, it activates genitourinary diseases and gynecological problems that require attention and timely treatment, since these diseases tend to become chronic. Scorpio is one of the most difficult signs, with which death and threat to life are associated, as well as cancer problems. And during the period of karmic activation of Scorpio, corresponding fears and cancer problems become more active, which will be fueled in the media. An example of this is Angelina Jolie, who in April 2013 underwent surgery to remove the mammary glands. According to the actress, she decided to have the operation after doctors predicted she had an 87% chance of developing breast cancer. According to many doctors and sensible people, even if there is a high risk of cancer, this does not mean that a person will definitely get it. And if you get sick, there is always a chance to recover, and besides surgery, there are other methods. The monstrous thing is that the operation was carried out when the disease had not yet arisen!!! Mike Adams believes that the actress was simply deceived. Or they took advantage of her fears, panic and image to promote this method of “solution”. Probably, Angelina decided to take such a step as a result of the intensification of the fear of death, which is associated with the death of her mother from cancer. To make an adequate decision, it is important to initially work through the fear of death and the panic caused by it. Angelina Jolie has a predisposition to breast disease, as indicated by Saturn in the sign of Cancer and tense aspects to it from the Moon and Pluto. There is also a tendency to depression, psychological influence or magical influence. According to many experts, the operation in this situation was not only pointless, but also harmful. The operation disrupts the immune, hormonal and energy systems of the body. And this damage has already been done, and the disease might not have occurred. Now Angelina Jolie is preparing for surgery to remove the ovaries, because according to doctors, this can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by 80-90%. Now Jolie’s doctors estimate the likelihood of the actress developing ovarian cancer at 50%, so surgery, according to doctors, can significantly reduce this risk (?!!). This is a clear and very sad example of the manifestation of the peculiarities of a karmic situation caused by the movement of the Ascending Node and Saturn in the sign of Scorpio and the actions of the energy-information mass associated with the fear of death. After November 13, Angelina Jolie (due to the conjunction of the Black Moon with natal Saturn) may experience deterioration in health, direct breast problems, or a crisis in the family. Angelina Jolie's decision, hyped in the media, activates panic and fears. In order to safely survive this period, awareness is necessary. It is important to make irreversible decisions while being in an adequate state and taking into account the opinions of different specialists and double-checking them. Many experts come to the conclusion that oncological diseases are a consequence of accumulated karmic errors, as well asresentment, anger, hatred, which are important to deal with and work with. In the case of Angelina Jolie, one of the reasons that could trigger breast disease is resentment towards her father, experienced anger and hatred towards him. The problem was aggravated by worries about the mother’s illness, her death and fear of death. Even in the case of oncology, there are alternative methods of healing. Disease is a signal that our body cannot cope with our lifestyle, accumulated stress and needs our attention, searching for the reasons that led to the disease. Illness is also a powerful motivator that pushes people to reconsider their lives, worldviews and change. And if the lesson is learned, healing begins. Who experiences crises more strongly? Firstly, crises will be more likely to affect representatives of the Scorpio sign and those who have planets and important horoscope points in this sign. The nature of the problems will be associated with the sphere of manifestation of the planet, and the time of occurrence will be associated with the period of connection with these planets of transit Saturn and the Ascending Node. So, when Saturn connects with the Sun, problems will affect the person himself (personal or professional crisis or health problems, the heart may suffer), father or husband, or problems will arise with the boss. Secondly, karmic events will affect representatives of the sign of Taurus and those with whose planets are in this sign. The sign of Taurus is marked by the Setting Node, and when connected to the Sun, representatives of the sign of Taurus will also experience karmic events associated with their karmic experience. Those born in the first half of the sign of Taurus have already felt it, and those born in the second half of the sign have difficulties ahead. This may be a personal crisis related to self-realization, or problems will affect relationships with a father, husband or boss. Health problems may arise. If several areas are suffering at once, then you should seriously think about what you are doing wrong. In this case, you need to start solving karmic problems and learning lessons from your experience. The method of holographic therapy will help solve such problems. Thirdly, those who have the Lunar Nodes in the sign of Scorpio will face difficulties: a karmic exam awaits them to complete karmic tasks. These are people born: From March 4, 1938 to September 11, 1939, who may have a life-threatening situation, they need the attention and support of their relatives. From August 3, 1947 to January 25, 1949; from February 20, 1966 to August 19, 1967; from September 12, 1984 to April 5, 1986, whose Ascending Node was in Taurus, Setting in Scorpio. They will need to work out related to the accumulated experience. It is important for them not to hold on to stability, but to try to accept the changes that are taking place. People may face a shock, a test of strength, and if they follow the right path, they will be able to increase their wealth and resolve real estate issues. From October 5, 1956 to June 15, 1958; from July 10, 1975 to January 7, 1977, when the Ascending Node was in the sign of Scorpio and, accordingly, with the current transit of the Ascending Node, people will take an exam to complete karmic tasks aimed at transformation and survival. Children born between August 30, 2012 and February 18, 2014 may encounter life-threatening situations - they need increased attention from their parents. Read more about the manifestations of the Lunar Nodes in the article “Lunar Nodes - Landmarks of the Evolutionary Path.” During the period passing a karmic exam, which lasts about 2 weeks, people feel anxiety, tension and discomfort, which can be felt 2-4 weeks before the connection of the Nodes. During this period, people think about the meaning of life, analyze their lives and, through awareness of what is happening, can move to a new qualitative level and receive rewards. For a more favorable passage of the karmic exam, it is useful to get acquainted with your karmic horoscope, which will helpdirect your efforts in the right direction. Fulfilling karmic tasks will help harmonize your life. So, problems can become aggravated during the period of: connection of the Nodes in Scorpio - this period is a karmic exam; connection with the Node in Scorpio of transit Saturn - this period is a karmic test. transit of Saturn through Scorpio and connection with natal Saturn , which involves a test of maturity and requires increased responsibility in solving problems that arise. Saturn is in the sign of Sorpios in the natal chart of those born from October 23, 1953 to May 14, 1956; from August 25, 1983 to November 16, 1985. And also in children born from October 6, 2012, who need increased parental attention in terms of health and prevention of extreme situations. Saturn forces one to mobilize to solve problems that affect the sphere of career, professional activity, position in society or health. Problems are usually associated with the sphere of the house in which natal Saturn is located. When it comes to problems related to Satun, it is important to persevere and not give up. These difficulties are aimed at forming an inner core. So, if the natal chart contains the Lunar Node and/or Saturn and some planets in the sign of Scorpio, then the period of crisis will be more difficult and may drag on for a long period. The main task in going through a crisis is to strive to understand the reasons that caused them and the essence of the karmic lesson. Knowledge of the karmic horoscope will help with this. Working through problems using the methods of holographic therapy and RPT will help solve problems and overcome them more easily. Their combination gives a more powerful effect. Parents can help their young children improve the health, well-being and resistance of the body using the Re-conception procedure. The difficulties of the upcoming period are not limited to the above. Saturn, passing through Scorpio, forms a tense opposition aspect to the sign of Taurus, due to what problems will arise for: 1) representatives of the sign of Taurus at the moment Saturn forms a tense aspect to their Sun. This can create depression, loss of strength, poor health or health problems (throat, lower jaw, thyroid gland, hormonal system or spine, joints, teeth, stones). Another manifestation is a crisis in a career, professional sphere, or problems with officials. The third option is financial problems or restrictions. Saturn can create restrictions in the sphere of sensual pleasures. 2) those who have planets in the sign of Taurus in their natal chart. For example, if the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, then when a tense aspect with Saturn is formed, apathy or depression or health problems may begin. 3) for those who have Saturn there in their natal chart. These are people born in the period: from March 21, 1940 to May 8, 1942; from April 30, 1969 to June 18, 1971, which are recommended to use finances rationally, pay attention to career issues and professional fulfillment, as well as the prevention of health problems. During the period of Saturn's opposition to Saturn, problems with career, professional activities, money or sensual pleasures, or health problems may arise. The thyroid gland may suffer, problems with the throat, hormonal sphere, spine, joints or teeth may arise. When these problems arise, it is very important not to neglect them, since Saturn’s diseases tend to become chronic. Parents of children born from June 9, 1998 to August 9, 2000 should pay attention to health problems and monitor the occurrence of extreme life-threatening situations. Another source of problems is associated with the passage of the Black Moon through the sign of Cancer from June 9, 2013 to March 4, 2014. The Black Moon will provoke problems in the family, with mothers and children, as well as health problems (the stomach and chest become vulnerable). The Black Moon in Cancer creates increasedtouchiness, emotionality, provokes jealousy, greed and envy - qualities that you need to learn to resist. First of all, the Black Moon will provoke those born in the sign of Cancer. Cancers of the first decade have already begun to feel its influence and it is important for them to strive to control their emotions, try not to be offended, and if offense arises, try to quickly forgive everyone involved. Otherwise, negative emotions can cause or aggravate stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers, etc.) or breast problems. The Black Moon will remind of itself to those who have planets in the sign of Cancer. The impacts of the Black Moon will most affect those who in the sign of Cancer are located: Lunar Nodes (for those born: from December 23, 1962 to August 25, 1964, from April 27, 1972 to October 26, 1973, from September 25, 1981 to March 15, 1983, from April 9, 2000 to October 12, 2001) - during the period of connection with the transit Black Moon, there is a high probability of problems with the family, mother or children, or with health. It is important to understand that their solution to these problems is a karmic task and a test of evil. You need to try to control your emotions. Increased emotionality will only aggravate the problems. Saturn (for those born: from April 19, 1974 to September 15, 1975, from July 4, 2003 to July 16, 2005) - during the period of connection with the transit Black Moon, there is a high probability of problems in the family or with health. It is very important to control negative emotions and work through problems that have arisen. Black Moon (for those born: from October 23, 1933 to July 18, 1934; from August 28, 1942 to May 23, 1943; from July 3, 1951 to March 27, 1952; with March 14 to December 6, 1969; from January 17 to October 12, 1978; from November 24, 1986 to August 18, 1987; from September 29, 1995 to June 22, 1996, from August 4, 2004 to April 28, 2005). Return of the Black Moon in the sign of Cancer and manifestations of corresponding qualities, can cause diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, genetic diseases, susceptibility to negative suggestions. RECIPE FOR KARMA for the Black Moon in the sign of Cancer: protect and preserve national and family traditions, provide all possible support to elderly relatives, maximize make life easier for the older generation, keep the graves of ancestors in order, take care of the mother and their children, take into account the needs of the family, and also control the manifestation of fussiness, greed, envy, anger and jealousy. What are the trials of the Black Moon associated with and how to resist them, read in my article “How to measure the inner power of light and resist the dark side” Cancers will also receive good news: Jupiter will be in the sign of Cancer for almost a year, which will help soften the blows of the Black Moon and bring good luck, which is important to see and not miss. The aspect of luck arises at the moment of Jupiter's conjunction with the Sun or with a planet located in the sign of Cancer. Luck during this period favors family issues - its creation or strengthening, relationships with parents, as well as real estate issues and working from home. You have become acquainted with the general karmic forecast. But each of us has our own destiny, and everything will turn out differently depending on karma, your natal karma and your actions. You can find out what awaits you by ordering an individual annual horoscope or a quarterly transit forecast. to survive a difficult period of many karmic trials with minimal losses, it is important to strive to understand the meaning of what is happening, to strive for awareness and control of your emotions and thoughts. You can learn to independently determine your karmic tasks, the tasks of your family, friends, and clients using your natal chart. This is the subject of the training course “Identifying karmic tasks - harmonizing our life”, which will equip you with a system for determining karmic tasks and interpretations of the position of the Lunar Nodes in the zodiac signs and 12 houses. Psychological study of problems using methods of holographic therapy and RPT will help not only solve problems, but and understand their reasons, extract».
