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“After two years, which seemed to convince him of his endless unsuitability, the jug turned to the old woman: “I’m ashamed of my crack, from which water always runs all the way to your house.” The old woman grinned: “You noticed,” that there are flowers growing on your side of the path, but not on the side of the other jug? On your side of the path, I sowed flower seeds because I knew about your shortcoming. So you water them every day when we go home. with these wonderful flowers and decorate your home with them. If you were not who you are, then this beauty would not exist." "The Parable of the Cracked Jug." The traumatic experience is so intense that it cannot be processed by the psyche and “gets stuck” in an unassimilated form. Subsequently, a person experiences separate fragments, pieces of trauma, which manifest themselves in the mental, emotional, and bodily spheres. As a result of trauma, the feeling of trust in oneself and other people suffers, and the feeling of security disappears. The world and people are seen as threatening and unreliable. Learned helplessness and dependence are formed, the desire to be good for others as a way to survive in a dangerous world and, as a result, loss of oneself. We talk about developmental trauma when a traumatic event occurred during the child’s development, resulting in a restructuring of the psyche with the formation of certain protective mechanisms and character traits. The traumatic experience is partially repressed, but periodically vividly emerges in consciousness under the influence of various activating signals. An additional formation appears in the psyche, which can be figuratively compared to an eyesore. A person begins to look at the world through a traumatic distortion and in one direction he can see clearly, but in another his vision becomes clouded and unseeing. One of the components of trauma is the sentinel guard, who scans the area for threats and possible danger. The problem is that this guard has impaired perception. He is like a blind man who is trying to guess whether a tiger or a hare is approaching him, or like a deaf man who is trying to distinguish the sounds of thunder from the music of Bach by ear. And periodically he mistakes one for another. Trauma has entry points, these are places of special sensitivity that trigger the traumatic experience in a partial and altered form - a symptom. The guard consists of a high level of mental arousal and anxiety. In the event of an acute injury, the guard constantly turns on the switch that activates the alarm system. This is because it is important for the guard to prevent re-injury. And when a guard sees something that seems at least somewhat dangerous to him, he activates a system of defensive reactions. However, by doing so it also activates the re-living of the traumatic experience. Over time, the process becomes chronic. The guard gets tired over time, then he may stop noticing threats, becomes overloaded and begins to turn off emotional and/or bodily sensitivity. Sometimes the guard calms himself down through the constant repetition of an action, which becomes a symptom and helps relieve tension and self-soothe. In this way, a person replaces an unbearable traumatic experience with a symptom. This is often accompanied by a loss of self-confidence, a feeling of lack of support and the meaninglessness of life. There is a feeling of confusion and disbelief in one’s internal reactions, since it is difficult to distinguish between an actual experience of a current situation and an echo of a traumatic experience. Then the method of protection may be to isolate oneself from the world, contacts, and avoid situations that cause tension. There is also another extreme in the form of excessive “heroism”, constant self-defense, a sudden surge of negative emotions, aggressive defense even in neutral situations. Thus, the traumatic experience is always close to the conscious.
