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Response to an anonymous appeal. You can’t understand how your boyfriend (or girlfriend) really feels about you? You don’t know whether he (she) feels sincere sympathy, or you are just another trophy in his (her) collection? Let’s try to figure it out and find answers to the most pressing QUESTIONS IN RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: If your relationship began recently and you don’t understand and don’t know how serious it is and whether your feelings are mutual... - In this case, don’t rush things. Be patient and wait. Continue to communicate with your friend (girlfriend) in a friendly way. Try to understand his attitude towards you. You constantly lack evidence of love and declarations of feelings from your partner... - Many girls are often unsure of themselves, so they want to constantly receive confirmation of attention, encouraging their self-esteem. If a guy constantly demands proof of reciprocity, this may mean that he is not confident in himself. You have been communicating for several months, but he (she) does not take any decisive action and does not express his feelings for you in any way.. .- Try to be patient and don’t rush things. It is possible that your partner needs more time than you to sort out their feelings and get to know you better. Find the right moment and carefully ask one of the questions such as: “How do you feel about me?”, “What do I mean to you?” ?”, “Do you think we look like a couple or are we just friends?”, “Do you feel something more for me than just friendship? Your communication as a “couple” has been going on for more than a year, and the guy ( girl) has not yet introduced you to his friends and close circle... - Try to understand the value of your relationship. Find the right moment and ask your friend to introduce you to his friends. If, in response to such a request , you receive a sharp negative response, then perhaps your friend (girlfriend) does not have sincere deep feelings for you, or perhaps he is embarrassed by you. You should not immediately be offended or enter into conflict. Think about the fact that you need the person who will to love, respect and care for you. You doubt the feelings of your partner and want to find out if there is any point in wasting your time on a relationship with him (her)... - Don’t be afraid to ask a direct question about the importance of the relationship. Try to be patient, if necessary , give him (her) time to think. If you get a positive answer, that’s good and the relationship can be developed. If the answer is negative, then don’t be offended or blame yourself. Your partner simply cannot understand himself or he wants to change his life. Understand, forgive and let him go. Think about the fact that you need that person who will truly love you very much, respect you and surround you with care. You can only be happy with that person who appreciates you! Your lover behaves contradictory: he (she) does not show special affection, and does not end the relationship... - This behavior may mean that he (she) does not have deep feelings for you, but treats you in a friendly way or is dating you for fun .Or maybe he (she) is confused and needs time to understand himself. Put your relationship on pause, limit the time you communicate with him (her), give him time to think. Talk openly and sincerely with your friend (friend). Don’t even think about blaming yourself or feeling jealous. Think about the fact that you need that person who will truly love you very much, respect you and surround you with care. MAIN SIGNS OF REAL FEELINGS: Your partner shows care. Your friend (girlfriend) asks how you are doing, how your day went. He (she) is not indifferent to your problems. If it is difficult for you, he (she) will morally support you, give advice, and if it is in his (her) power to help you cope with the situation. Relationships in a couple are not always begin with love. The component of a relationship can be friendship, and only then, after some time, the relationship.
