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“I can’t love my body!”, “I like everything about my appearance except my protruding belly”, “I’m plump, and I want to radiate the same confidence as the women from the program “Model XXL”, I want to be like that sexy." These are the difficulties that women face in their desire to achieve a positive image of their body. Okay, let’s say we have already stopped hating our body, but we have not come to love, what should we do? We may not believe that it is even possible to come to a positive attitude towards our appearance, even if we repeat the affirmations “I love myself and my hips” day after day. Unconditional self-love may also be too big a step to take, especially if everyone is shouting about it. And then a neutral attitude towards the body comes to the rescue, which can also be difficult to achieve, but is definitely worth a try. But it’s categorically impossible to scold something that doesn’t work out. Body neutrality is a concept that consists of the absence of judgments about appearance and the understanding that we are more than just a body. Anne Poirier defined body neutrality as “an unsupportive hatred of our vessel (physical structure) or love and adoration for our vessel.” It is unrealistic to expect us to love everything about our body all the time. Much of our appearance is determined by genetics, as well as changes associated with age, pregnancy and some external events. And this is beyond our control. Body neutrality does not mean constantly loving your body, but it does mean that the body has the right to be accepted and respected without having to meet any standards. If we are unable to love our appearance, then we can at least try to concentrate on the capabilities of our body, on its abilities, on how it allows us to live, digest food and hug loved ones. On some days we may be able to love our body, on others we can accept it, and on others we may not pay attention to our appearance . It’s great if you can stop judging your own and other people’s appearance, don’t engage in objectification, talk less about it, but spend your time taking care of your health and doing what you like.
