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In our society there are many myths about what a man should be. For example, to be strong, resilient, not to show your feelings... What do we mean by the concept of “being strong”? And who is this “strong” one? It seems to me that to be strong is to allow yourself to be different. Including being weak. Allow others to take care of you when you feel bad or hurt. Sometimes it’s being a follower if the other person is more competent in this matter. Well, for example, I won’t argue with my husband about how he should build a house. At the same time, my knowledge is deeper when it comes to landscape. But the goal is to create a beautiful, comfortable home in a blooming garden, and not to find out who is stronger and who was forced to obey whom... To be strong is to allow your partner to be strong too. What if his opinion turns out to be wiser? Two strong partners are not competitors, they are already a team! After all, one and the same problem can be looked at from different points of view - this way the picture turns out to be more voluminous, and, therefore, more objective. After all, the presenter also sometimes “gets blurred in his eyes.” To be strong means to have the courage to let someone close, risking the occasional pain. But at the same time there is happiness, joy, and new sensations. Allow the world of another person to enter your world. This is not confusion or intrusion. After all, it is impossible to destroy an integral personality. To be strong is to ask for help in time. A strong person knows how not only to give and give, but also to receive, without feeling humiliated or inferior. Being strong is an opportunity to learn something unpleasant about yourself, survive, draw conclusions and move on. This is the courage to make a decision. And sometimes even greater courage is to change or even cancel a decision. And at each point of choice, have the strength to be responsible for the consequences of this choice. It turns out that strength is not a reinforced concrete wall, but, on the contrary, flexibility, trust, risk, wisdom. By the way, all of the above applies not only to men.…
