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From the author: This article can be read in the current magazine for women “OsobaYa” Time is the best doctor, but a bad cosmetologist Aphorism Recently, I somehow began to be “lucky” with young, smart, beautiful ladies, who say they don't have enough time to dream or do good things for themselves. The most common reasons for this attitude towards oneself: “I have a child!” or: “I have work!” Job? Maybe... Although the question is very controversial. But what can a child be burdened with?! And all this is an excuse for the fact that a woman does not consider it necessary to allocate a couple of hours of time for her beloved to take care of herself or what she loves. As a result, the ladies are not happy with themselves, their relationships, and their children. Of course! An unhappy lady cannot make a relationship happy, because she is busy thinking about how she does not have enough time for herself. I recently conducted trial lessons in the subject “Family Psychology” at school. The second hour of class is the practical part. Students were asked to answer several questions, in particular, write down the responsibilities of a husband and wife. Then two students came to the front of the class (a boy and a girl) to voice what they had written. To the question “a wife’s responsibilities,” the girl wrote ten points, but the boy wrote only two! A very illustrative example of how we girls take on a lot of unnecessary work. And then we still manage to get angry at our loved ones because we do so much for them, but they don’t appreciate it! So they didn’t ask for it! Another great example. It so happened that I was a guest at the Spring-Summer 2011 fashion show in... the women's area. The costumes were designed, sewn and performed by the convicts themselves. For some people life is not at all sweet! They work 12 hours 6 days a week. But even with all this, it turned out to be a great show, where on stage there were ordinary beautiful women who wanted to show themselves and their talents to others. Yes, it is their own fault that they are deprived of freedom, but they have not lost the desire to be happy. They are convicted of some offenses against society. Why did you deprive yourself of freedom? Any situation can be brought to the point of absurdity. But why? If you start to feel that life is becoming boring, reconsider your daily routine, find time for yourself. Think about which duties no one else will do except you, and which ones can be redistributed among loved ones (or employees, if we are talking about work). Remember the hobbies that give you pleasure and give yourself permission to do them again. If there are none, then find them. The Indian age is short (as the saying goes), so you shouldn’t waste time getting angry and cursing because you’re dissatisfied with something. It is better to spend this time on yourself and your joy. It has long been proven that happy people live longer and look young even in adulthood. So maybe you should think about buying a diary, finding time in your busy schedule and becoming loved for yourself and for everyone?
