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Good day! Often, having decided on the desire to go to a psychologist, the question arises of how to choose a psychologist for yourself, which psychologist to contact. Of course, there are many profiles of psychologists working in different areas on the Internet; it is very easy to get confused in them, since not every specialist knows all areas of psychology, let alone an ordinary person. But I want to put aside the psychologist's focus and just look at the process of choosing a psychologist, in whatever direction he works. When the question arises about choosing a psychologist, when searching for him, people usually do the same as when searching for any specialist: they often use the recommendations of friends, consult which psychologist is better, whether he helped them or not, in general, they begin collecting information, opinions and stories, and after much thought and persuasion, you go to exactly the psychologist who was recommended to you. Well, if you really found a professional, exactly the one you need, then everything is fine. And if not, if it’s not what you expected, if you didn’t like it at all, then there’s someone to blame: those who advised. You can also go on the Internet, to different forums and read reviews about psychologists that different people write, read opinions, look at different ratings and, finally, choose the best psychologist. That's it, the meeting is scheduled, he is the best psychologist, which means he will solve everything, help, and people wrote that he helped many. Well, if so. It will be great. And if not, if you haven’t helped in any way and don’t look like the best, this Internet is always deceiving. You can go the other way, leave people’s opinions and choose a professional based on the price of services: many believe that the higher the price, the higher the professionalism. In fact, there are a lot of methods for choosing a psychologist, and it may not be the first time you find exactly the one you need, and no matter what method you choose, it is not so important. What matters is what happens inside you when you choose a psychologist. What does your inner voice say, which psychologist did you choose out of hundreds of proposals, what is the answer within you, regardless of other people’s opinions and the cost of his services. Listen to yourself! This is the person you need at the moment, and maybe you will have one meeting, or maybe many meetings, in any case, this is the beginning of the path to change and your happiness. Good luck!
