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It happens that a person talks about a state of depression and strong dissatisfaction with himself. He talks about how he gets down to business with interest and a “spark,” and at some point he notices himself out of place, inept, scared, denying his interest, tired, embarrassed, exhausted and unhappy. Moreover, a person notices that such behavior is formed in completely different areas of his life, is difficult to experience and interferes with him. To understand the cause of destructive emotions and such experiences, you can look back to notice how a person lived and grew, what his experience was, how such an attitude was formed. If in childhood we hear from adults that our value depends on our achievements, a critical parent or significant adult tells me, little: “You will be good when you do... You achieve, and then you are great, smart, good, a real son (daughter) ....” These phrases become attitudes that we carry with us into adulthood... In this early experience, I am valuable not because I am loved, but in connection with some of my achievements, namely, because I have accomplished, accomplished. And I began this critic “carry within himself”, built in. Now, as an adult, I say: “Yes, I’m good, but...”. I find something for which I am not good enough, and I am all like, “not very good.” Now I, in the role of an internal critic, scold, criticize myself - and hurt myself, depleting my strength. Swearing leads to fatigue. I don’t like myself even more when I’m tired and critical, and a state loop appears and I get drawn into it even more. From this state it is more difficult for me not to make further mistakes. And I can think different things, for example, that my thoughts are also a body, and I can control my body. I myself can not offend myself, approve, praise and support: “I am good, although .....”, “I will do it, even if...” When I accept my limitations, then I am not perfect, and I am good enough to treat myself with kindness and understanding. And you can love me simply, and not for something; my value does not depend on achievements. In contact with myself, I can observe and realize what I notice in myself and in the world. And then I get a choice of options - from good ones.
