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From the author: For those who have never been to a psychologist and do not know what this specialist does. A psychologist is a specialist who has received a higher psychological education. This is an expert who knows: what the human psyche is and how it develops, what happens in a person’s soul at a given age, what memory, thinking, imagination and attention should be like, how to effectively communicate with other people and create a family, raise children, etc. Many psychologists continue to study further within the framework of one of the psychological areas - psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, NLP, etc. Such psychologists gain more practical knowledge and can work more effectively with clients’ problems. The main task of a psychologist is to help the client understand a difficult situation. What does a psychologist do at a meeting with a client? Listens carefully to the client’s story. Asks clarifying questions if something is not clear to him. Finds out what exactly worries the client in the whole situation. Helps the client consider the situation from different angles, expand their understanding of what is happening, gain new experience, etc. Depending on the situation, the psychologist can give recommendations to the client, shares psychological knowledge and experience. The result of a successful psychological work is to improve the client’s well-being (reduce worries), change the client’s understanding of the problem situation and the emergence of solution options. However, often one consultation is not enough to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the situation in Russia is such that people turn to professionals in the most extreme cases, when the situation is almost hopeless. And they expect that one visit to a psychologist will solve a problem with which they have been suffering for several years! So, for example, a client (or client) comes in at the age of 30 with low self-esteem. He lived with her for 30 years with such self-esteem and expects that in one session a psychologist, like a psychic, will change everything. But the fact is that the psyche is not a mechanism of screws and tongues, where you can unscrew something and the mechanism will continue work as if nothing had happened. The psyche is a very delicate thing and the psychologist is forced to work very carefully so as not to injure or disrupt the working mechanism. Imagine, self-esteem will change in one go, but what about habits? Where should I put them? What about the usual behavior strategies? A person will need to completely rebuild in one day! After all, this is unrealistic! Therefore, it is important to understand that a psychologist in his work not only helps solve the problem, but also does it as carefully as possible, to the extent necessary for you.
